A Blockchain App for Sexual Consent is Useless


With the recent allegations of sexual assault by Asiz Ansari and the recent popularity of blockchain currencies like Bitcoin, there have been some proposals put forth to prevent false allegations of sexual assault through a cryptographically signed contract which details what the participating parties consent to during sex. This essay is an exploration of how an app for entering into contracts for sexual consent does not prevent false allegations, and in fact increases the risk for a party concerned about being assaulted.

Disclaimer: This exploration makes no judgement on the frequency and importance of false allegations of sexual assault. The rate of false allegations are infinitesimal compared to the rate of sexual assaults (both reported and unreported). The primary victims of false allegations of sexual assault are historically heterosexual men, who have previously had little to fear from sex. The idea that we must go through all possible solutions to ensure that heterosexual men continue to have nothing to fear from sex is ludicrous, and this essay demonstrates how one solution will do nothing to solve anything.

Let's create an app:

The app lets two people enter into a contract for a performance. The app provides proof that both parties agree to the performance, and a detailed explanation of the performance agreed-to. No incentive or compensation can be given for the performance (besides, perhaps, some well-earned applause). Only the two parties will be witness to the performance: There can be no recordings or spectators, and the performance itself leaves no evidence of its completion except in the memory of the parties involved.

We are assuming:

  • The app is perfectly secure against intrusion from a third party. The regular occurrence of high-profile Internet security breaches (like Experian) betrays this.
  • The app is built by a team with good intentions and no desire to monetize the resulting data, or the app is built to secure the data from internal malicious actors (this could be part of the security bit)
  • The app can perfectly authenticate a user with a legal name and an address at which legal process can be served. If any of this is not true, there is effectively no consequence to breaching the contract and thus no reason to trust that the contract will be fulfilled

At the end of the performance, both parties have a choice to make: Did the other party breach the contract?

In a perfect scenario, the performance is exactly as both parties agreed to and neither party objects. In this scenario, the contract has achieved only one thing: A conversation about the expectations for the performance. This is important, but contracts also exist in order to detail what happens when the expectations are not met. In these cases, under these restrictions, the existence of the contract does not actually solve any problem.

If Alice asks Bob to read to her the novel Great Expectations, and Bob reads A Tale of Two Cities instead, the existence of the contract does not strengthen Alice's claim that Bob did not follow the contract: Bob can claim he read the correct book, and produce a copy of it proving he could read it. Alice's lack of recollection of any part of Great Expectations does not prove her good faith.

If Alice lies, says Bob read the wrong book, the existence of the contract does not make Bob's case any easier to defend. Bob cannot force Alice to recall specific plot details of the book he read, and proving that he has a copy of the correct book and has read it does nothing to Alice's claim that he did not read the book to her.

So, the nature and existence of the contract doesn't actually improve anything. There's no benefit to Bob to sign the contract, and there is increased risk: If Alice decides to claim Bob owes her a performance, she can point to the contract to prove that there was an agreement. So, whether or not Bob intends to perform, there is no benefit to Bob to sign the contract. If Bob has no reason to sign the contract, Alice will not get her performance. So, Alice has no reason to force Bob to sign a contract.

The only result of this scenario is that no performances will ever happen, as nobody has any reason to perform.

When applied to the specific scenario of sex, we have even more problems. We are ignoring that this app is now potentially enabling / soliciting prostitution, and we will continue with the idea that one party is consenting to perform for another (despite how demeaning that is, and despite how many people believe that's how sex works).

Since sexual consent is an active process, the app can be used at any time to modify the parameters of the performance (consent to something more or revoke consent). This opens up more attack vectors: Deny the user access to the app, and you can continue doing something they no longer consent to. Technical means for addressing this problem (dead-man's switch in the app) do not prevent this violation of consent from happening (though may prevent it from continuing in perpetuity).

The dead-man's switch opens up more problems:

  1. A user temporarily and innocently loses access to the app. Now the app thinks the user is being assaulted. Any automated remedies (dispatching a security force) would lead to both hilarious and tragic consequences.
  2. A user intentionally fails a security check-in. They now have leverage for a breach-of-contract from the other user.

The fluid nature of sexual consent also opens up another vector for "breach of contract": User revokes consent after doing something, then claims it happened after they revoked consent, even if it happened before consent was revoked. There's evidence it happened, but the app thinks it was both consented to and later not consented to. The app does not know when the act occurred, and so cannot help to resolve the issue. Technical solutions for this would be amusing, but not useful.

The app complicates the encounter while creating more risk for someone who worries that their consent will be violated. Since, presently, women are more afraid of sexual assault by men than men are from women, this app will never be used by them. So, it means any man interested in having sex with a woman will not be able to use the app.

Yancy Starts a Conversation


Continuing on from [our last post which created a simple blog app]. A blog without comments is just a website. So, let's add a way for users to interact with our content.

First, as before, we need a database table. A comment on our blog will need an ID, the date/time it was created, the author's name and e-mail address, and the content of their comment. We will also need to store the ID of the blog post the user is commenting on.

We add the SQL that builds this table as a new migration. When our app starts up, Mojo::Pg will look to see what version of the database schema we have. If necessary, it will upgrade our database by running the migration SQL snippet.

@@ migrations
-- 1 up
    markdown TEXT NOT NULL,
    html TEXT NOT NULL
-- 1 down
-- 2 up
CREATE TABLE blog_comment (
    author_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    author_email VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    content TEXT NOT NULL
-- 2 down
DROP TABLE blog_comment;

Now that we have a place to store them, we should tell Yancy about our new collection so we can manage it. This won't be the way that users add comments to our site, but it will be the way we edit and delete comments from our site.

use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin Yancy => {
    backend => 'pg://localhost/blog',
    collections => {
        blog_comment => {
            'x-list-columns' => [qw( id blog_id author_name author_email )],
            required => [qw( author_name author_email content )],
            properties => {
                id => { type => 'integer', readOnly => 1 },
                blog_id => { type => 'integer' },
                author_name => { type => 'string' },
                author_email => { type => 'string' },
                content => { type => 'string' },

With our blog_comment collection, we're also using the x-list-columns value to set which columns are shown in Yancy's list view. This way we can easily see the author information while we're perusing the list.

Next, we need a way for users to add new comments to a blog post. For this, we'll need a form, and a route that accepts the form contents and adds the comment to the database.

First, the route. The route will accept three form parameters: author_name, author_email, and content. Then we need to set the correct blog_id. With the data ready, we can use the yancy.create helper to write the new comment. This helper will validate our data according to our configuration and throw an exception if it's invalid. Finally, we can redirect the user back to the front page of the blog.

post '/blog/:id/comment' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    # Create the new comment
    my %item;
    for my $field (qw( author_name author_email content )) {
        $item{ $field } = $c->param( $field );
    $item{ blog_id } = $c->stash( 'id' );
    eval { $c->yancy->create( blog_comment => \%item ) };
    if ( $@ ) {
        return $c->render(
            status => 400,
            text => "Error adding comment: $@",
    # Back to the blog
    $c->res->headers->location( '/' );
    return $c->rendered( status => 302 );

Now we need a form. We'll use Bootstrap to make it look nice.

% for my $post ( @{ stash 'posts' } ) {
    <%== $post->{html} %>
    <form class="form" method="post" action="/blog/<%= $post->{id} %>/comment">
        <div class="form-group row">
            <label class="col-form-label col-2">Name</label>
            <input name="author_name" class="form-control col-4" />
        <div class="form-group row">
            <label class="col-form-label col-2">E-mail</label>
            <input name="author_email" class="form-control col-4" />
        <div class="form-group row">
            <label class="col-form-label col-2">Comment</label>
            <textarea name="content" rows="6" class="form-control col-4"></textarea>
        <button class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
% }

Screenshot showing the comment form on the blog page

Finally, we need to display the comments with our posts. We will have to rewrite our main / route to add the comments to the post data, like so:

get '/' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    # Get posts, latest post first
    my @posts = $c->yancy->list(
        blog => {},
        { order_by => { -desc => 'created' } },
    for my $post ( @posts ) {
        # Add comments to the post, latest comment first
        $post->{comments} = [
                blog_comment => { blog_id => $post->{id} },
                { order_by => { -desc => 'created' } },
    return $c->render( 'index', posts => \@posts );

And then we can display our posts in our template:

% for my $comment ( @{ $post->{comments} } ) {
        <%= $comment->{author_name} %>
    <date><%= $comment->{created} %></date>
    <p style="white-space: pre-line"><%= $comment->{content} %></p>
% }

Screenshot showing comment form and posted comment

Once we have some comments, we can manage them using Yancy.

Screenshot showing list of comments in Yancy

Here's the whole code for our blog with comments. Mojolicious and makes it easy to build a content-based website, and Yancy makes it easy to manage.

Mocking a REST API


One of my applications is a pure-JavaScript UI for a JSON API. This UI is an entirely different project that communicates with a public API using an OpenAPI specification.

Our public API is huge and complex: To set up the public API, I need a database, sample data, and three other private API servers that perform individual tasks as directed by the public API. Worse, I would need to set up a lot of different test scenarios with different kinds of data.

It would be a lot easier to set up a mock public API that I could use to test my UI, and it turns out that Mojolicious makes this very easy.

So let's set up a simple Mojolicious::Lite app that responds to a path with a JSON response:

# test-api.pl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/servers' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    return $c->render(
        json => [
            { ip => '', os => 'Debian 9' },
            { ip => '', os => 'Debian 8' }

Now I can fetch that JSON response by starting the web application and going to /servers or by using the get command:

$ perl test-api.pl get /servers
[{"ip":"","os":"Debian 9"},{"ip":"","os":"Debian 8"}

$ perl test-api.pl daemon
Server available at

That's pretty easy and shows how easy Mojolicious can be to get started. But I have dozens of routes in my application! Combined with all the possible data and its thousands of routes. How do I make all of them work without copy-pasting code for every single route?

Let's match the whole path of the route and then create a template with the given path. Mojolicious lets us match the whole path using the * placeholder in the route path. Then we can use that path to look up the template, which we'll put in the __DATA__ section.

# test-api.pl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
any '/*path' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    return $c->render(
        template => $c->stash( 'path' ),
        format => 'json',
@@ servers.json.ep
    { "ip": "", "os": "Debian 9" },
    { "ip": "", "os": "Debian 8" }

Again, we can use the get command to test that we get the right data:

$ perl test-api.pl get /servers
    { "ip": "", "os": "Debian 9" },
    { "ip": "", "os": "Debian 8" }

So now I can write a bunch of JSON in my script and it will be exposed as an API. But I'd like it to be easier to make lists of things: REST APIs often have one endpoint as a list and another as an individual item in that list. We can make a list by composing our individual parts using Mojolicious templates and the include template helper:

# test-api.pl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
any '/*path' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    return $c->render(
        template => $c->stash( 'path' ),
        format => 'json',
@@ servers.json.ep
    <%= include 'servers/1' %>,
    <%= include 'servers/2' %>
@@ servers/1.json.ep
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 9" }
@@ servers/2.json.ep
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 8" }

Now I can test the list endpoint again:

$ perl test-api.pl get /servers
    { "ip": "", "os": "Debian 9" }
    { "ip": "", "os": "Debian 8" }

And also one of the individual item endpoints:

$ perl test-api.pl get /servers/1
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 9" }

Currently we handle all request methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) the same, but my API doesn't work like that. So, I need to be able to provide different data for different request methods. To do that, let's add the request method to the template path:

# test-api.pl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
any '/*path' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    return $c->render(
        template => join( '/', uc $c->req->method, $c->stash( 'path' ) ),
        format => 'json',
@@ GET/servers.json.ep
    <%= include 'get/servers/1' %>,
    <%= include 'get/servers/2' %>
@@ GET/servers/1.json.ep
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 9" }
@@ GET/servers/2.json.ep
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 8" }
@@ POST/servers.json.ep
{ "status": "success", "id": 3, "server": <%== $c->req->body %> }

Now all our template paths start with the HTTP request method (GET), allowing us to add different routes for POST requests and other HTTP methods.

We also added a POST/servers.json.ep template that shows us getting a successful response from adding a new server via the API. It even correctly gives us back the data we submitted, like our original API might do.

We can test our added POST /servers method with the get command again:

$ perl test-api.pl get -M POST -c '{ "ip": "" }' /servers
{ "status": "success", "id": 3, "server": { "ip": "" } }

Now what if I want to test what happens when the API gives me an error? Mojolicious has an easy way to layer on additional templates to use for certain routes: Template variants. These variant templates will be used instead of the original template, but only if they are available. Read more on how to use template variants yesterday on the advent calendar.

By setting the template variant to the application "mode", we can easily switch between multiple sets of templates by adding -m <mode> to the command we run.

# test-api.pl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
any '/*path' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    return $c->render(
        template => join( '/', uc $c->req->method, $c->stash( 'path' ) ),
        variant => $c->app->mode,
        format => 'json',
@@ GET/servers.json.ep
    <%= include 'get/servers/1' %>,
    <%= include 'get/servers/2' %>
@@ GET/servers/1.json.ep
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 9" }
@@ GET/servers/2.json.ep
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 8" }
@@ POST/servers.json.ep
{ "status": "success", "id": 3, "server": <%== $c->req->body %> }
@@ POST/servers.json+error.ep
% $c->res->code( 400 );
{ "status": "error", "error": "Bad request" }
$ perl test-api.pl get -m error -M POST -c '{}' /servers
{ "status": "error", "error": "Bad request" }

And finally, since I'm using this to test an AJAX web application, I need to allow the preflight OPTIONS request to succeed and I need to make sure that all of the correct Access-Control-* headers are set to allow for cross-origin requests.

# test-api.pl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
hook after_build_tx => sub {
my ($tx, $app) = @_;
    $tx->res->headers->header( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*' );
    $tx->res->headers->header( 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => 'GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS' );
    $tx->res->headers->header( 'Access-Control-Max-Age' => 3600 );
    $tx->res->headers->header( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' => 'Content-Type, Authorization, X-Requested-With' );
any '/*path' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    # Allow preflight OPTIONS request for XmlHttpRequest to succeed
    return $c->rendered( 204 ) if $c->req->method eq 'OPTIONS';
    return $c->render(
        template => join( '/', uc $c->req->method, $c->stash( 'path' ) ),
        variant => $c->app->mode,
        format => 'json',
@@ GET/servers.json.ep
    <%= include 'get/servers/1' %>,
    <%= include 'get/servers/2' %>
@@ GET/servers/1.json.ep
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 9" }
@@ GET/servers/2.json.ep
{ "ip": "", "os": "Debian 8" }
@@ POST/servers.json.ep
{ "status": "success", "id": 3, "server": <%== $c->req->body %> }
@@ POST/servers.json+error.ep
% $c->res->code( 400 );
{ "status": "error", "error": "Bad request" }

Now I have 20 lines of code that can be made to mock any JSON API I write. Mojolicious makes everything easy!

Using Template Variants For a Beta Landing Page


CPAN Testers is a pretty big project with a long, storied history. At its heart is a data warehouse holding all the test reports made by people installing CPAN modules. Around that exists an ecosystem of tools and visualizations that use this data to provide useful insight into the status of CPAN distributions.

For the CPAN Testers webapp project, I needed a way to show off some pre-release tools with some context about what they are and how they might be made ready for release. I needed a "beta" website with a front page that introduced the beta projects. But, I also needed the same Mojolicious application to serve (in the future) as a production website. The front page of the production website would be completely different from the front page of the beta testing website.

To achieve this, I used Mojolicious's template variants feature. First, I created a variant of my index.html template for my beta site and called it index.html+beta.ep.

<h1>CPAN Testers Beta</h1>
<p>This site shows off some new features currently being tested.</p>
<h2><a href="/chart.html">Release Dashboard</a></h2>

Next, I told Mojolicious to use the "beta" variant when in "beta" mode by passing $app->mode to the variant stash variable.

# myapp.pl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/*path', { path => 'index' }, sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    return $c->render(
        template => $c->stash( 'path' ),
        variant => $c->app->mode,

The mode is set by passing the -m beta option to Mojolicious's daemon or prefork command.

$ perl myapp.pl daemon -m beta

This gives me the new landing page for beta.cpantesters.org.

$ perl myapp.pl get / -m beta
<h1>CPAN Testers Beta</h1>
<p>This site shows off some new features currently being tested.</p>
<h2><a href="/chart.html">Release Dashboard</a></h2>

But now I also need to replace the original landing page (index.html.ep) so it can still be seen on the beta website. I do this with a simple trick: I created a new template called web.html+beta.ep that imports the original template and unsets the variant stash variable. Now I can see the main index page on the beta site at http://beta.cpantesters.org/web.

%= include 'index', variant => undef
$ perl myapp.pl get /web -m beta
<h1>CPAN Testers</h1>
<p>This is the main CPAN Testers application.</p>

Template variants are a useful feature in some edge cases, and this isn't the first time I've found a good use for them. I've also used them to provide a different layout template in "development" mode to display a banner saying "You're on the development site". Useful for folks who are undergoing user acceptance testing. The best part is that if the desired variant for that specific template is not found, Mojolicious falls back to the main template. I built a mock JSON API application which made extensive use of this fallback feature, but that's another blog post for another time.