package Yancy::Backend::Pg; our $VERSION = '1.081'; # ABSTRACT: A backend for Postgres using Mojo::Pg #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS #pod #pod ### URL string #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => 'pg://user:pass@localhost/mydb', #pod read_schema => 1, #pod }; #pod #pod ### Mojo::Pg object #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod use Mojo::Pg; #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => { Pg => Mojo::Pg->new( 'postgres:///myapp' ) }, #pod read_schema => 1, #pod }; #pod #pod ### Hashref #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => { #pod Pg => { #pod dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname', #pod username => 'fry', #pod password => 'b3nd3r1sgr34t', #pod }, #pod }, #pod read_schema => 1, #pod }; #pod #pod #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This Yancy backend allows you to connect to a Postgres database to manage #pod the data inside. This backend uses L to connect to Postgres. #pod #pod See L for the methods this backend has and their return #pod values. #pod #pod =head2 Backend URL #pod #pod The URL for this backend takes the form C<< #pod pg://:@:/ >>. #pod #pod Some examples: #pod #pod # Just a DB #pod pg:///mydb #pod #pod # User+DB (server on localhost:5432) #pod pg://user@/mydb #pod #pod # User+Pass Host and DB #pod pg:// #pod #pod =head2 Schema Names #pod #pod The schema names for this backend are the names of the tables in the #pod database. #pod #pod So, if you have the following schema: #pod #pod CREATE TABLE people ( #pod id SERIAL, #pod name VARCHAR NOT NULL, #pod email VARCHAR NOT NULL #pod ); #pod CREATE TABLE business ( #pod id SERIAL, #pod name VARCHAR NOT NULL, #pod email VARCHAR NULL #pod ); #pod #pod You could map that to the following schema: #pod #pod { #pod backend => 'pg://user@/mydb', #pod schema => { #pod People => { #pod required => [ 'name', 'email' ], #pod properties => { #pod id => { #pod type => 'integer', #pod readOnly => 1, #pod }, #pod name => { type => 'string' }, #pod email => { type => 'string' }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod Business => { #pod required => [ 'name' ], #pod properties => { #pod id => { #pod type => 'integer', #pod readOnly => 1, #pod }, #pod name => { type => 'string' }, #pod email => { type => 'string' }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod } #pod #pod =head2 Ignored Tables #pod #pod By default, this backend will ignore some tables when using #pod C: Tables used by L, #pod L (in case we're co-habitating with #pod a DBIx::Class schema), and all the tables used by the #pod L Minion backend. #pod #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod L, L #pod #pod =cut use Mojo::Base 'Yancy::Backend::MojoDB'; use Mojo::JSON qw( encode_json ); use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); BEGIN { eval { require Mojo::Pg; Mojo::Pg->VERSION( 4.03 ); 1 } or die "Could not load Pg backend: Mojo::Pg version 4.03 or higher required\n"; } sub new { my ( $class, $driver, $schema ) = @_; if ( blessed $driver ) { die "Need a Mojo::Pg object. Got " . blessed( $driver ) if !$driver->isa( 'Mojo::Pg' ); return $class->SUPER::new( $driver, $schema ); } elsif ( ref $driver eq 'HASH' ) { my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new; for my $method ( keys %$driver ) { $pg->$method( $driver->{ $method } ); } return $class->SUPER::new( $pg, $schema ); } my $found = (my $connect = $driver) =~ s{^.*?:}{}; return $class->SUPER::new( Mojo::Pg->new( $found ? "postgres:$connect" : () ), $schema, ); } sub table_info { my ( $self ) = @_; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $schema = $self->driver->db->query( 'SELECT current_schema()' )->array->[0]; return $dbh->table_info( undef, $schema, '%', undef )->fetchall_arrayref({}); } sub fixup_default { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; return undef if !defined $value or $value =~ /^nextval/i or $value eq 'NULL'; return "now" if $value =~ /^(?:NOW|(?:CURRENT_|LOCAL|STATEMENT_|TRANSACTION_|CLOCK_)(?:DATE|TIME(?:STAMP)?))(?:\(\))?/i; return 0 if $value eq '0.0'; $self->driver->db->query( 'SELECT ' . $value )->array->[0]; } sub create { my ( $self, $coll, $params ) = @_; $params = $self->normalize( $coll, $params ); my $id_field = $self->id_field( $coll ); my $res = $self->driver->db->insert( $coll, $params, { returning => $id_field } ); my $row = $res->hash; return ref $id_field eq 'ARRAY' ? { map { $_ => $row->{$_} } @$id_field } : $row->{ $id_field } ; } sub create_p { my ( $self, $coll, $params ) = @_; $params = $self->normalize( $coll, $params ); my $id_field = $self->id_field( $coll ); return $self->driver->db->insert_p( $coll, $params, { returning => $id_field } ) ->then( sub { my $row = shift->hash; return ref $id_field eq 'ARRAY' ? { map { $_ => $row->{$_} } @$id_field } : $row->{ $id_field } ; } ); } sub column_info { my ( $self, $table ) = @_; my $columns = $self->dbh->column_info( @{$table}{qw( TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME )}, '%' )->fetchall_arrayref({}); for my $c ( @$columns ) { if ( $c->{pg_enum_values} ) { $c->{ENUM} = $c->{pg_enum_values}; } if ( $c->{COLUMN_DEF} && $c->{COLUMN_DEF} =~ /nextval/i ) { $c->{AUTO_INCREMENT} = 1; } $c->{COLUMN_DEF} = $self->fixup_default( $c->{COLUMN_DEF} ); } return $columns; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Yancy::Backend::Pg - A backend for Postgres using Mojo::Pg =head1 VERSION version 1.081 =head1 SYNOPSIS ### URL string use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin Yancy => { backend => 'pg://user:pass@localhost/mydb', read_schema => 1, }; ### Mojo::Pg object use Mojolicious::Lite; use Mojo::Pg; plugin Yancy => { backend => { Pg => Mojo::Pg->new( 'postgres:///myapp' ) }, read_schema => 1, }; ### Hashref use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin Yancy => { backend => { Pg => { dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname', username => 'fry', password => 'b3nd3r1sgr34t', }, }, read_schema => 1, }; =head1 DESCRIPTION This Yancy backend allows you to connect to a Postgres database to manage the data inside. This backend uses L to connect to Postgres. See L for the methods this backend has and their return values. =head2 Backend URL The URL for this backend takes the form C<< pg://:@:/ >>. Some examples: # Just a DB pg:///mydb # User+DB (server on localhost:5432) pg://user@/mydb # User+Pass Host and DB pg:// =head2 Schema Names The schema names for this backend are the names of the tables in the database. So, if you have the following schema: CREATE TABLE people ( id SERIAL, name VARCHAR NOT NULL, email VARCHAR NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE business ( id SERIAL, name VARCHAR NOT NULL, email VARCHAR NULL ); You could map that to the following schema: { backend => 'pg://user@/mydb', schema => { People => { required => [ 'name', 'email' ], properties => { id => { type => 'integer', readOnly => 1, }, name => { type => 'string' }, email => { type => 'string' }, }, }, Business => { required => [ 'name' ], properties => { id => { type => 'integer', readOnly => 1, }, name => { type => 'string' }, email => { type => 'string' }, }, }, }, } =head2 Ignored Tables By default, this backend will ignore some tables when using C: Tables used by L, L (in case we're co-habitating with a DBIx::Class schema), and all the tables used by the L Minion backend. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Doug Bell =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Doug Bell. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut