package Yancy::Backend::Static; our $VERSION = '0.015'; # ABSTRACT: Build a Yancy site from static Markdown files #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS #pod #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => 'static:.', #pod read_schema => 1, #pod }; #pod get '/*slug', { #pod controller => 'yancy', #pod action => 'get', #pod schema => 'pages', #pod slug => 'index', # Default to index page #pod template => 'default', # default.html.ep below #pod }; #pod app->start; #pod __DATA__ #pod @@ default.html.ep #pod % title $item->{title}; #pod <%== $item->{html} %> #pod #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This L allows Yancy to work with a site made up of #pod Markdown files with YAML frontmatter, like a L site. In other #pod words, this module works with a flat-file database made up of YAML #pod + Markdown files. #pod #pod =head2 Schemas #pod #pod You should configure the C schema to have all of the fields #pod that could be in the frontmatter of your Markdown files. This is JSON Schema #pod and will be validated, but if you're using the Yancy editor, make sure only #pod to use L. #pod #pod =head2 Limitations #pod #pod This backend should support everything L supports, though #pod some list() queries may not work (please make a pull request). #pod #pod =head2 Future Developments #pod #pod This backend could be enhanced to provide schema for static files #pod (CSS, JavaScript, etc...) and templates. #pod #pod =head1 GETTING STARTED #pod #pod To get started using this backend to make a simple static website, first #pod create a file called C with the following contents: #pod #pod #!/usr/bin/env perl #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => 'static:.', #pod read_schema => 1, #pod }; #pod get '/*slug', { #pod controller => 'yancy', #pod action => 'get', #pod schema => 'pages', #pod template => 'default', #pod layout => 'default', #pod slug => 'index', #pod }; #pod app->start; #pod __DATA__ #pod @@ default.html.ep #pod % title $item->{title}; #pod <%== $item->{html} %> #pod @@ layouts/default.html.ep #pod #pod #pod #pod <%= title %> #pod #pod #pod #pod
#pod %= content #pod
#pod #pod #pod #pod #pod #pod Once this is done, run the development webserver using C: #pod #pod $ perl daemon #pod Server available at #pod #pod Then open C in your web browser to see the #pod L editor. #pod #pod =for html #pod #pod You should first create an C page by clicking the "Add Item" #pod button to create a new page and giving the page a C of C. #pod #pod =for html #pod #pod Once this page is created, you can visit your new page either by #pod clicking the "eye" icon on the left side of the table, or by navigating #pod to L. #pod #pod =for html #pod #pod =head2 Adding Images and Files #pod #pod To add other files to your site (images, scripts, stylesheets, etc...), #pod create a directory called C and put your file in there. All the #pod files in the C folder are available to use in your website. #pod #pod To add an image using Markdown, use C. #pod #pod =head2 Customize Template and Layout #pod #pod The easiest way to customize the look of the site is to edit the layout #pod template. Templates in Mojolicious can be in external files in #pod a C directory, or they can be in the C script below #pod C<__DATA__>. #pod #pod The layout your site uses currently is called #pod C. The two main things to put in a layout are #pod C<< <%= title %> >> for the page's title and C<< <%= content %> >> for #pod the page's content. Otherwise, the layout can be used to add design and #pod navigation for your site. #pod #pod =head1 ADVANCED FEATURES #pod #pod =head2 Custom Metadata Fields #pod #pod You can add additional metadata fields to your page by adding them to #pod your schema, like so: #pod #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => 'static:.', #pod read_schema => 1, #pod schema => { #pod pages => { #pod properties => { #pod # Add an optional 'author' field #pod author => { type => [ 'string', 'null' ] }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod }; #pod #pod These additional fields can be used in your template through the #pod C<$item> hash reference (C<< $item->{author} >>). See #pod L for more information about configuring a schema. #pod #pod =head2 Character Encoding #pod #pod By default, this backend detects the locale of your current environment #pod and assumes the files you read and write should be in that encoding. If #pod this is incorrect (if, for example, you always want to read/write UTF-8 #pod files), add a C to the backend string: #pod #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => 'static:.?encoding=UTF-8', #pod read_schema => 1, #pod }; #pod #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod L, L #pod #pod =cut use Mojo::Base -base; use Mojo::File; use Text::Markdown; use YAML (); use JSON::PP (); use Yancy::Util qw( match order_by ); # Can't use open ':locale' because it caches the current locale (so it # won't work in tests unless we create a new process with the changed # locale...) use I18N::Langinfo qw( langinfo CODESET ); use Encode qw( encode decode ); has schema => sub { +{} }; has path =>; has markdown_parser => sub { Text::Markdown->new }; has encoding => sub { langinfo( CODESET ) }; sub new { my ( $class, $backend, $schema ) = @_; my ( undef, $path ) = split /:/, $backend, 2; $path =~ s/^([^?]+)\?(.+)$/$1/; my %attrs = map { split /=/ } split /\&/, $2 // ''; return $class->SUPER::new( { %attrs, path => Mojo::File->new( $path ), ( schema => $schema )x!!$schema, } ); } sub create { my ( $self, $schema, $params ) = @_; my $path = $self->path->child( $self->_id_to_path( $params->{slug} ) ); $self->_write_file( $path, $params ); return $params->{slug}; } sub get { my ( $self, $schema, $id ) = @_; # Allow directory path to work. Must have a trailing slash to ensure # that relative links in the file work correctly. if ( $id =~ m{/$} && -d $self->path->child( $id ) ) { $id .= 'index.markdown'; } else { # Clean up the input path $id =~ s/\.\w+$//; $id .= '.markdown'; } my $path = $self->path->child( $id ); #; say "Getting path $id: $path"; return undef unless -f $path; my $item = eval { $self->_read_file( $path ) }; if ( $@ ) { warn sprintf 'Could not load file %s: %s', $path, $@; return undef; } $item->{slug} = $self->_path_to_id( $path->to_rel( $self->path ) ); $self->_normalize_item( $schema, $item ); return $item; } sub _normalize_item { my ( $self, $schema_name, $item ) = @_; return unless my $schema = $self->schema->{ $schema_name }; for my $prop_name ( keys %{ $item } ) { next unless my $prop = $schema->{ properties }{ $prop_name }; if ( $prop->{type} eq 'array' && ref $item->{ $prop_name } ne 'ARRAY' ) { $item->{ $prop_name } = [ $item->{ $prop_name } ]; } } } sub list { my ( $self, $schema, $params, $opt ) = @_; $params ||= {}; $opt ||= {}; my @items; my $total = 0; PATH: for my $path ( sort $self->path->list_tree->each ) { next unless $path =~ /[.](?:markdown|md)$/; my $item = eval { $self->_read_file( $path ) }; if ( $@ ) { warn sprintf 'Could not load file %s: %s', $path, $@; next; } $item->{slug} = $self->_path_to_id( $path->to_rel( $self->path ) ); $self->_normalize_item( $schema, $item ); next unless match( $params, $item ); push @items, $item; $total++; } $opt->{order_by} //= 'slug'; my $ordered_items = order_by( $opt->{order_by}, \@items ); my $start = $opt->{offset} // 0; my $end = $opt->{limit} ? $start + $opt->{limit} - 1 : $#items; if ( $end > $#items ) { $end = $#items; } return { items => [ @{$ordered_items}[ $start .. $end ] ], total => $total, }; } sub set { my ( $self, $schema, $id, $params ) = @_; my $path = $self->path->child( $self->_id_to_path( $id ) ); # Load the current file to turn a partial set into a complete # set my %item = ( -f $path ? %{ $self->_read_file( $path ) } : (), %$params, ); if ( $params->{slug} ) { my $new_path = $self->path->child( $self->_id_to_path( $params->{slug} ) ); if ( -f $path and $new_path ne $path ) { $path->remove; } $path = $new_path; } $self->_write_file( $path, \%item ); return 1; } sub delete { my ( $self, $schema, $id ) = @_; return !!unlink $self->path->child( $self->_id_to_path( $id ) ); } sub read_schema { my ( $self, @schemas ) = @_; my %page_schema = ( type => 'object', title => 'Pages', required => [qw( slug markdown )], 'x-id-field' => 'slug', 'x-view-item-url' => '/{slug}', 'x-list-columns' => [ 'title', 'slug' ], properties => { slug => { type => 'string', 'x-order' => 2, }, title => { type => 'string', 'x-order' => 1, }, markdown => { type => 'string', format => 'markdown', 'x-html-field' => 'html', 'x-order' => 3, }, html => { type => 'string', }, }, ); return @schemas ? \%page_schema : { pages => \%page_schema }; } sub _id_to_path { my ( $self, $id ) = @_; # Allow indexes to be created if ( $id =~ m{(?:^|\/)index$} ) { $id .= '.markdown'; } # Allow full file paths to be created elsif ( $id =~ m{\.\w+$} ) { $id =~ s{\.\w+$}{.markdown}; } # Anything else should create a file else { $id .= '.markdown'; } return $id; } sub _path_to_id { my ( $self, $path ) = @_; my $dir = $path->dirname; $dir =~ s/^\.//; return join '/', grep !!$_, $dir, $path->basename( '.markdown' ); } sub _read_file { my ( $self, $path ) = @_; open my $fh, '<', $path or die "Could not open $path for reading: $!"; local $/; return $self->_parse_content( decode( $self->encoding, scalar <$fh>, Encode::FB_CROAK ) ); } sub _write_file { my ( $self, $path, $item ) = @_; if ( !-d $path->dirname ) { $path->dirname->make_path; } #; say "Writing to $path:\n$content"; open my $fh, '>', $path or die "Could not open $path for overwriting: $!"; print $fh encode( $self->encoding, $self->_deparse_content( $item ), Encode::FB_CROAK ); return; } #=sub _parse_content # # my $item = $backend->_parse_content( $path->slurp ); # # Parse a file's frontmatter and Markdown. Returns a hashref # ready for use as an item. # #=cut sub _parse_content { my ( $self, $content ) = @_; my %item; my @lines = split /\n/, $content; # YAML frontmatter if ( @lines && $lines[0] =~ /^---/ ) { # The next --- is the end of the YAML frontmatter my ( $i ) = grep { $lines[ $_ ] =~ /^---/ } 1..$#lines; # If we did not find the marker between YAML and Markdown if ( !defined $i ) { die qq{Could not find end of YAML front matter (---)\n}; } # Before the marker is YAML eval { %item = %{ YAML::Load( join "\n", splice( @lines, 0, $i ), "" ) }; %item = map {$_ => do { # 1.29 doesn't parse 'true', 'false' as booleans # like the schema suggests: my $v = $item{$_}; $v = JSON::PP::false if $v and $v eq 'false'; $v = JSON::PP::true if $v and $v eq 'true'; $v }} keys %item; }; if ( $@ ) { die qq{Error parsing YAML\n$@}; } # Remove the last '---' mark shift @lines; } # JSON frontmatter elsif ( @lines && $lines[0] =~ /^{/ ) { my $json; if ( $lines[0] =~ /\}$/ ) { # The JSON is all on a single line $json = shift @lines; } else { # The } on a line by itself is the last line of JSON my ( $i ) = grep { $lines[ $_ ] =~ /^}$/ } 0..$#lines; # If we did not find the marker between YAML and Markdown if ( !defined $i ) { die qq{Could not find end of JSON front matter (\})\n}; } $json = join "\n", splice( @lines, 0, $i+1 ); } eval { %item = %{ JSON::PP->new()->utf8(0)->decode( $json ) }; }; if ( $@ ) { die qq{Error parsing JSON: $@\n}; } } # The remaining lines are content $item{ markdown } = join "\n", @lines, ""; $item{ html } = $self->markdown_parser->markdown( $item{ markdown } ); return \%item; } sub _deparse_content { my ( $self, $item ) = @_; my %data = map { $_ => do { my $v = $item->{ $_ }; JSON::PP::is_bool($v) ? $v ? 'true' : 'false' : $v }} grep { !/^(?:markdown|html|slug)$/ } keys %$item; return ( %data ? YAML::Dump( \%data ) . "---\n" : "") . ( $item->{markdown} // "" ); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Yancy::Backend::Static - Build a Yancy site from static Markdown files =head1 VERSION version 0.015 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin Yancy => { backend => 'static:.', read_schema => 1, }; get '/*slug', { controller => 'yancy', action => 'get', schema => 'pages', slug => 'index', # Default to index page template => 'default', # default.html.ep below }; app->start; __DATA__ @@ default.html.ep % title $item->{title}; <%== $item->{html} %> =head1 DESCRIPTION This L allows Yancy to work with a site made up of Markdown files with YAML frontmatter, like a L site. In other words, this module works with a flat-file database made up of YAML + Markdown files. =head2 Schemas You should configure the C schema to have all of the fields that could be in the frontmatter of your Markdown files. This is JSON Schema and will be validated, but if you're using the Yancy editor, make sure only to use L. =head2 Limitations This backend should support everything L supports, though some list() queries may not work (please make a pull request). =head2 Future Developments This backend could be enhanced to provide schema for static files (CSS, JavaScript, etc...) and templates. =head1 GETTING STARTED To get started using this backend to make a simple static website, first create a file called C with the following contents: #!/usr/bin/env perl use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin Yancy => { backend => 'static:.', read_schema => 1, }; get '/*slug', { controller => 'yancy', action => 'get', schema => 'pages', template => 'default', layout => 'default', slug => 'index', }; app->start; __DATA__ @@ default.html.ep % title $item->{title}; <%== $item->{html} %> @@ layouts/default.html.ep <%= title %>
%= content
Once this is done, run the development webserver using C: $ perl daemon Server available at Then open C in your web browser to see the L editor. =for html You should first create an C page by clicking the "Add Item" button to create a new page and giving the page a C of C. =for html Once this page is created, you can visit your new page either by clicking the "eye" icon on the left side of the table, or by navigating to L. =for html =head2 Adding Images and Files To add other files to your site (images, scripts, stylesheets, etc...), create a directory called C and put your file in there. All the files in the C folder are available to use in your website. To add an image using Markdown, use C. =head2 Customize Template and Layout The easiest way to customize the look of the site is to edit the layout template. Templates in Mojolicious can be in external files in a C directory, or they can be in the C script below C<__DATA__>. The layout your site uses currently is called C. The two main things to put in a layout are C<< <%= title %> >> for the page's title and C<< <%= content %> >> for the page's content. Otherwise, the layout can be used to add design and navigation for your site. =head1 ADVANCED FEATURES =head2 Custom Metadata Fields You can add additional metadata fields to your page by adding them to your schema, like so: plugin Yancy => { backend => 'static:.', read_schema => 1, schema => { pages => { properties => { # Add an optional 'author' field author => { type => [ 'string', 'null' ] }, }, }, }, }; These additional fields can be used in your template through the C<$item> hash reference (C<< $item->{author} >>). See L for more information about configuring a schema. =head2 Character Encoding By default, this backend detects the locale of your current environment and assumes the files you read and write should be in that encoding. If this is incorrect (if, for example, you always want to read/write UTF-8 files), add a C to the backend string: use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin Yancy => { backend => 'static:.?encoding=UTF-8', read_schema => 1, }; =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Doug Bell =head1 CONTRIBUTORS =for stopwords Mohammad S Anwar Wojtek Bażant =over 4 =item * Mohammad S Anwar =item * Wojtek Bażant =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Doug Bell. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut