package Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Basic; our $VERSION = '1.081'; # ABSTRACT: (DEPRECATED) A simple auth module for a site #pod =encoding utf8 #pod #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS #pod #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => 'pg://localhost/mysite', #pod schema => { #pod users => { #pod required => [ 'username', 'password' ], #pod properties => { #pod id => { type => 'integer', readOnly => 1 }, #pod username => { type => 'string' }, #pod password => { type => 'string', format => 'password' }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod }; #pod app->yancy->plugin( 'Auth::Basic' => { #pod schema => 'users', #pod username_field => 'username', #pod password_field => 'password', #pod password_digest => { #pod type => 'SHA-1', #pod }, #pod } ); #pod #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod B: This plugin is deprecated and will be removed in Yancy v2.000. Please #pod switch to the new pluggable auth L or the new password #pod auth L. #pod #pod This plugin provides a basic authentication and authorization scheme for #pod a L site using L. If a user is authenticated, they are #pod then authorized to use the administration application and API. #pod #pod =head1 CONFIGURATION #pod #pod This plugin has the following configuration options. #pod #pod =over #pod #pod =item schema #pod #pod The name of the Yancy schema that holds users. Required. #pod #pod =item username_field #pod #pod The name of the field in the schema which is the user's identifier. #pod This can be a user name, ID, or e-mail address, and is provided by the #pod user during login. #pod #pod This field is optional. If not specified, the schema's ID field will #pod be used. For example, if the schema uses the C field as #pod a unique identifier, we don't need to provide a C. #pod #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod schema => { #pod users => { #pod 'x-id-field' => 'username', #pod properties => { #pod username => { type => 'string' }, #pod password => { type => 'string' }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod }, #pod }; #pod app->yancy->plugin( 'Auth::Basic' => { #pod schema => 'users', #pod password_digest => { type => 'SHA-1' }, #pod } ); #pod #pod =item password_field #pod #pod The name of the field to use for the user's password. Defaults to C. #pod #pod This field will automatically be set up to use the L filter to #pod properly hash the password when updating it. #pod #pod =item password_digest #pod #pod This is the hashing mechanism that should be used for passwords. There is no #pod default, so you must configure one. #pod #pod This value should be a hash of digest configuration. The one required #pod field is C, and should be a type supported by the L module: #pod #pod =over #pod #pod =item * MD5 (part of core Perl) #pod #pod =item * SHA-1 (part of core Perl) #pod #pod =item * SHA-256 (part of core Perl) #pod #pod =item * SHA-512 (part of core Perl) #pod #pod =item * Bcrypt (recommended) #pod #pod =back #pod #pod Additional fields are given as configuration to the L module. #pod Not all Digest types require additional configuration. #pod #pod # Use Bcrypt for passwords #pod # Install the Digest::Bcrypt module first! #pod app->yancy->plugin( 'Auth::Basic' => { #pod password_digest => { #pod type => 'Bcrypt', #pod cost => 12, #pod salt => 'abcdefgh♥stuff', #pod }, #pod } ); #pod #pod =item route #pod #pod The root route that this auth module should protect. Defaults to #pod protecting only the Yancy editor application. #pod #pod =back #pod #pod =head2 Sessions #pod #pod This module uses L #pod to store the login information in a secure, signed cookie. #pod #pod To configure the default expiration of a session, use #pod L. #pod #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod # Expire a session after 1 day of inactivity #pod app->sessions->default_expiration( 24 * 60 * 60 ); #pod #pod =head1 TEMPLATES #pod #pod To override these templates in your application, provide your own #pod template with the same name. #pod #pod =over #pod #pod =item yancy/auth/login.html.ep #pod #pod This template displays the login form. The form should have two fields, #pod C and C, and perform a C request to C<< #pod url_for 'yancy.check_login' >> #pod #pod =item yancy/auth/unauthorized.html.ep #pod #pod This template displays an error message that the user is not authorized #pod to view this page. This most-often appears when the user is not logged in. #pod #pod =item layouts/yancy/auth.html.ep #pod #pod The layout that Yancy uses when displaying the login form, the #pod unauthorized error message, and other auth-related pages. #pod #pod =back #pod #pod =head1 FILTERS #pod #pod This module provides the following filters. See L for how to use filters. #pod #pod =head2 auth.digest #pod #pod Run the field value through the configured password L object and #pod store the Base64-encoded result instead. #pod #pod =head1 HELPERS #pod #pod This plugin adds the following Mojolicious helpers: #pod #pod =head2 yancy.auth.route #pod #pod The L that requires #pod authentication. Add your own routes as children of this route to #pod require authentication for your own routes. #pod #pod my $auth_route = $app->yancy->auth->route; #pod $auth_route->get( '/', sub { #pod my ( $c ) = @_; #pod return $c->render( #pod data => 'You are authorized to view this page', #pod ); #pod } ); #pod #pod =head2 yancy.auth.current_user #pod #pod Get/set the currently logged-in user. Returns C if no user is #pod logged-in. #pod #pod my $user = $c->yancy->auth->current_user #pod || return $c->render( status => 401, text => 'Unauthorized' ); #pod #pod To set the current user, pass in the username. #pod #pod $c->yancy->auth->current_user( $username ); #pod #pod =head2 yancy.auth.get_user #pod #pod my $user = $c->yancy->auth->get_user( $username ); #pod #pod Get a user item by its C. #pod #pod =head2 yancy.auth.check #pod #pod Check a username and password to authenticate a user. Returns true #pod if the user is authenticated, or returns false. #pod #pod B: Does not change the currently logged-in user. #pod #pod if ( $c->yancy->auth->check( $username, $password ) ) { #pod # Authentication succeeded #pod $c->yancy->auth->current_user( $username ); #pod } #pod #pod =head2 yancy.auth.clear #pod #pod Clear the currently logged-in user (logout). #pod #pod $c->yancy->auth->clear; #pod #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod L, L #pod #pod =cut use Yancy::Util qw( derp ); use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use Digest; use Yancy::Util qw( currym ); has logout_route =>; sub register { my ( $self, $app, $config ) = @_; # Prepare and validate backend data configuration die "Error configuring Auth::Basic plugin: No password digest type defined\n" unless $config->{password_digest} && $config->{password_digest}{type}; my $coll = $config->{schema} || $config->{collection} || die "Error configuring Auth::Basic plugin: No collection defined\n"; die sprintf( q{Error configuring Auth::Basic plugin: Collection "%s" not found}."\n", $coll, ) unless $app->yancy->schema( $coll ); derp "The Auth::Basic plugin is deprecated and will be removed in Yancy v2.000. Please migrate to the Auth::Password module.\n"; my $username_field = $config->{username_field}; my $password_field = $config->{password_field} || 'password'; my $digest_type = delete $config->{password_digest}{type}; my $digest = eval { Digest->new( $digest_type, %{ $config->{password_digest} } ) }; if ( my $error = $@ ) { if ( $error =~ m{Can't locate Digest/${digest_type}\.pm in \@INC} ) { die sprintf( q{Error configuring Auth::Basic plugin: Password digest type "%s" not found}."\n", $digest_type, ); } die "Error configuring Auth::Basic plugin: Error loading Digest module: $@\n"; } $app->yancy->filter->add( 'auth.digest' => sub { my ( $name, $value, $field ) = @_; return $digest->add( $value )->b64digest; } ); # Add the password filter so editing passwords in the editor works my $schema = $app->yancy->schema( $coll ); push @{ $schema->{properties}{$password_field}{'x-filter'} }, 'auth.digest'; $app->yancy->schema( $coll, $schema ); # Add login pages my $route = $config->{route} || $app->yancy->editor->route; push @{ $app->renderer->classes }, __PACKAGE__; $route->get( '/login', \&_get_login, 'yancy.login_form' ); $route->post( '/login', \&_post_login, 'yancy.check_login' ); $self->logout_route( $route->get( '/logout', \&_get_logout, 'yancy.logout' ) ); # Add authentication check my $auth_route = $route->under( sub { my ( $c ) = @_; # Check auth return 1 if $c->yancy->auth->current_user; # Render some unauthorized result if ( grep { $_ eq 'api' } @{ $c->req->url->path } ) { # Render JSON unauthorized response $c->render( handler => 'openapi', # XXX This started being necessary after Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI 2.0 status => 401, openapi => { message => 'You are not authorized to view this page. Please log in.', errors => [], }, ); return; } else { # Render HTML response $c->render( status => 401, template => 'yancy/auth/unauthorized', logout_route => $self->logout_route ); return; } } ); my @routes = @{ $route->children }; # Loop over copy while we modify original for my $r ( @routes ) { next if $r eq $auth_route; # Can't reparent ourselves or route disappears # Don't add auth to unauthed routes. We need to add the plugin's # routes first so that they are picked up before the `under` we # created, but now we're going back to add auth to all # previously-created routes, so we need to skip the ones that # must be visited by unauthed users. next if grep { $r->name eq $_ } qw( yancy.login_form yancy.check_login yancy.logout ); $auth_route->add_child( $r ); } $app->helper( 'yancy.auth.route' => sub { $auth_route } ); # Add auth helpers $app->helper( 'yancy.auth.login_form' => currym( $self, 'login_form' ) ); $app->helper( 'yancy.auth.get_user' => sub { my ( $c, $username ) = @_; return $username_field ? $c->yancy->backend->list( $coll, { $username_field => $username }, { limit => 1 } )->{items}[0] : $c->yancy->backend->get( $coll, $username ); } ); $app->helper( 'yancy.auth.current_user' => sub { my ( $c, $username ) = @_; if ( $username ) { $c->session( username => $username ); } return if !$c->session( 'username' ); return $c->yancy->auth->get_user( $c->session( 'username' ) ); } ); $app->helper( 'yancy.auth.check' => sub { my ( $c, $username, $pass ) = @_; my $user = $c->yancy->auth->get_user( $username ); if ( !$user ) { $c->app->log->error( sprintf 'Auth failed: User "%s" does not exist.', $username, ); return; } if ( !$user->{ $password_field } ) { $c->app->log->error( sprintf 'Auth failed: User "%s" password field "%s" is empty.', $username, $password_field, ); return; } my $check_pass = $digest->add( $pass )->b64digest; if ( $user->{ $password_field } ne $check_pass ) { $c->app->log->error( sprintf 'Auth failed: User "%s" password is incorrect (field "%s").', $username, $password_field, ); return; } return 1; } ); $app->helper( 'yancy.auth.clear' => sub { my ( $c ) = @_; delete $c->session->{ username }; } ); } sub login_form { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; return $c->render_to_string( 'yancy/auth/basic/login' ); } sub _get_login { my ( $c ) = @_; return $c->render( 'yancy/auth/basic/login', return_to => $c->req->headers->referrer, ); } sub _post_login { my ( $c ) = @_; my $user = $c->param( 'username' ); my $pass = $c->param( 'password' ); if ( $c->yancy->auth->check( $user, $pass ) ) { $c->yancy->auth->current_user( $user ); my $to = $c->req->param( 'return_to' ) // $c->url_for( 'yancy.index' ); $c->res->headers->location( $to ); return $c->rendered( 303 ); } $c->flash( error => 'Username or password incorrect' ); return $c->render( 'yancy/auth/basic/login', status => 400, user => $user, return_to => $c->req->param( 'return_to' ), login_failed => 1, ); } sub _get_logout { my ( $c ) = @_; $c->yancy->auth->clear; $c->flash( info => 'Logged out' ); return $c->render( 'yancy/auth/basic/login' ); } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Basic - (DEPRECATED) A simple auth module for a site =head1 VERSION version 1.081 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin Yancy => { backend => 'pg://localhost/mysite', schema => { users => { required => [ 'username', 'password' ], properties => { id => { type => 'integer', readOnly => 1 }, username => { type => 'string' }, password => { type => 'string', format => 'password' }, }, }, }, }; app->yancy->plugin( 'Auth::Basic' => { schema => 'users', username_field => 'username', password_field => 'password', password_digest => { type => 'SHA-1', }, } ); =head1 DESCRIPTION B: This plugin is deprecated and will be removed in Yancy v2.000. Please switch to the new pluggable auth L or the new password auth L. This plugin provides a basic authentication and authorization scheme for a L site using L. If a user is authenticated, they are then authorized to use the administration application and API. =encoding utf8 =head1 CONFIGURATION This plugin has the following configuration options. =over =item schema The name of the Yancy schema that holds users. Required. =item username_field The name of the field in the schema which is the user's identifier. This can be a user name, ID, or e-mail address, and is provided by the user during login. This field is optional. If not specified, the schema's ID field will be used. For example, if the schema uses the C field as a unique identifier, we don't need to provide a C. plugin Yancy => { schema => { users => { 'x-id-field' => 'username', properties => { username => { type => 'string' }, password => { type => 'string' }, }, }, }, }; app->yancy->plugin( 'Auth::Basic' => { schema => 'users', password_digest => { type => 'SHA-1' }, } ); =item password_field The name of the field to use for the user's password. Defaults to C. This field will automatically be set up to use the L filter to properly hash the password when updating it. =item password_digest This is the hashing mechanism that should be used for passwords. There is no default, so you must configure one. This value should be a hash of digest configuration. The one required field is C, and should be a type supported by the L module: =over =item * MD5 (part of core Perl) =item * SHA-1 (part of core Perl) =item * SHA-256 (part of core Perl) =item * SHA-512 (part of core Perl) =item * Bcrypt (recommended) =back Additional fields are given as configuration to the L module. Not all Digest types require additional configuration. # Use Bcrypt for passwords # Install the Digest::Bcrypt module first! app->yancy->plugin( 'Auth::Basic' => { password_digest => { type => 'Bcrypt', cost => 12, salt => 'abcdefgh♥stuff', }, } ); =item route The root route that this auth module should protect. Defaults to protecting only the Yancy editor application. =back =head2 Sessions This module uses L to store the login information in a secure, signed cookie. To configure the default expiration of a session, use L. use Mojolicious::Lite; # Expire a session after 1 day of inactivity app->sessions->default_expiration( 24 * 60 * 60 ); =head1 TEMPLATES To override these templates in your application, provide your own template with the same name. =over =item yancy/auth/login.html.ep This template displays the login form. The form should have two fields, C and C, and perform a C request to C<< url_for 'yancy.check_login' >> =item yancy/auth/unauthorized.html.ep This template displays an error message that the user is not authorized to view this page. This most-often appears when the user is not logged in. =item layouts/yancy/auth.html.ep The layout that Yancy uses when displaying the login form, the unauthorized error message, and other auth-related pages. =back =head1 FILTERS This module provides the following filters. See L for how to use filters. =head2 auth.digest Run the field value through the configured password L object and store the Base64-encoded result instead. =head1 HELPERS This plugin adds the following Mojolicious helpers: =head2 yancy.auth.route The L that requires authentication. Add your own routes as children of this route to require authentication for your own routes. my $auth_route = $app->yancy->auth->route; $auth_route->get( '/', sub { my ( $c ) = @_; return $c->render( data => 'You are authorized to view this page', ); } ); =head2 yancy.auth.current_user Get/set the currently logged-in user. Returns C if no user is logged-in. my $user = $c->yancy->auth->current_user || return $c->render( status => 401, text => 'Unauthorized' ); To set the current user, pass in the username. $c->yancy->auth->current_user( $username ); =head2 yancy.auth.get_user my $user = $c->yancy->auth->get_user( $username ); Get a user item by its C. =head2 yancy.auth.check Check a username and password to authenticate a user. Returns true if the user is authenticated, or returns false. B: Does not change the currently logged-in user. if ( $c->yancy->auth->check( $username, $password ) ) { # Authentication succeeded $c->yancy->auth->current_user( $username ); } =head2 yancy.auth.clear Clear the currently logged-in user (logout). $c->yancy->auth->clear; =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Doug Bell =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Doug Bell. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut __DATA__ @@ yancy/auth/basic/login.html.ep % layout 'yancy/auth';


% if ( stash 'login_failed' ) { % }