package Yancy::Plugin::Editor; our $VERSION = '1.081'; # ABSTRACT: Yancy content editor, admin, and management application #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS #pod #pod use Mojolicious::Lite; #pod # The default editor at /yancy #pod plugin Yancy => { #pod backend => 'sqlite://myapp.db', #pod read_schema => 1, #pod editor => { #pod require_user => { can_edit => 1 }, #pod }, #pod }; #pod #pod # Enable another editor for blog users #pod app->plugin->yancy( Editor => { #pod moniker => 'blog_editor', #pod backend => app->yancy->backend, #pod schema => { blog_posts => app->yancy->schema( 'blog_posts' ) }, #pod route => app->routes->any( '/blog/editor' ), #pod require_user => { can_blog => 1 }, #pod } ); #pod #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This plugin contains the Yancy editor application which allows editing #pod the data in a L. #pod #pod =head1 CONFIGURATION #pod #pod This plugin has the following configuration options. #pod #pod =head2 backend #pod #pod The backend to use for this editor. Defaults to the default backend #pod configured in the L
. #pod #pod =head2 schema #pod #pod The schema to use to build the editor application. This may not #pod necessarily be the full and exact schema supported by the backend: You #pod can remove certain fields from this editor instance to protect them, for #pod example. #pod #pod If not given, will use L to read the schema #pod from the backend. #pod #pod =head2 openapi #pod #pod Instead of L, you can pass a full OpenAPI spec to this editor. #pod This is deprecated; see L. #pod #pod =head2 default_controller #pod #pod The default controller for API routes. Defaults to #pod L. Building a custom controller can allow for #pod customizing how the editor works and what content it displays to which #pod users. #pod #pod =head2 moniker #pod #pod The name of this editor instance. Used to build helper names and route #pod names. Defaults to C. Other plugins may rely on there being #pod a default editor named C. Additional instances should have #pod different monikers. #pod #pod =head2 route #pod #pod A base route to add the editor to. This allows you to customize the URL #pod and add authentication or authorization. Defaults to allowing access to #pod the Yancy web application under C, and the REST API under #pod C. #pod #pod This can be a string or a L object. #pod #pod =head2 return_to #pod #pod The URL to use for the "Back to Application" link. Defaults to C. #pod #pod =head2 title #pod #pod The title of the page, shown in the title bar and the page header. Defaults to C. #pod #pod =head2 host #pod #pod The host to use for the generated OpenAPI spec. Defaults to the current system's hostname #pod (via L). #pod #pod =head2 info #pod #pod An OpenAPI info object, as a Perl hashref. See L #pod for what keys are allowed in this hashref. #pod #pod =head1 HELPERS #pod #pod =head2 yancy.editor.include #pod #pod $app->yancy->editor->include( $template_name ); #pod #pod Include a template in the editor, before the rest of the editor. Use this #pod to add your own L components to the editor. #pod #pod =head2 #pod #pod $app->yancy->editor->menu( $category, $title, $config ); #pod #pod Add a menu item to the editor. The C<$category> is the title of the category #pod in the sidebar. C<$title> is the title of the menu item. C<$config> is a #pod hash reference with the following keys: #pod #pod =over #pod #pod =item component #pod #pod The name of a Vue.JS component to display for this menu item. The #pod component will take up the entire main area of the application, and will #pod be kept active even after another menu item is selected. #pod #pod =back #pod #pod Yancy plugins should use the category C. Other categories are #pod available for custom applications. #pod #pod app->yancy->editor->include( 'plugin/editor/custom_element' ); #pod app->yancy->editor->menu( #pod 'Plugins', 'Custom Item', #pod { #pod component => 'custom-element', #pod }, #pod ); #pod __END__ #pod @@ plugin/editor/custom_element.html.ep #pod #pod %= javascript begin #pod Vue.component( 'custom-element', { #pod template: '#custom-element-template', #pod } ); #pod % end #pod #pod =for html #pod screenshot of yancy editor showing custom element #pod #pod =head2 yancy.editor.route #pod #pod Get the route where the editor will appear. #pod #pod =head2 yancy.editor.openapi #pod #pod my $openapi = $c->yancy->openapi; #pod #pod Get the L object containing the OpenAPI #pod interface for this Yancy API. #pod #pod =head1 TEMPLATES #pod #pod To override these templates, add your own at the designated path inside #pod your app's C directory. #pod #pod =head2 yancy/editor.html.ep #pod #pod This is the main Yancy web application. You should not override this. #pod Instead, use the L helper to add new components. #pod If there is something you can't do using the include helper, consider #pod L #pod or L. #pod #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod L, L, L #pod #pod =cut use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use Mojo::JSON qw( true false ); use Mojo::Util qw( url_escape ); use Sys::Hostname qw( hostname ); use Yancy::Util qw( derp currym json_validator ); has moniker => 'editor'; has route =>; has includes => sub { [] }; has menu_items => sub { +{} }; has backend =>; has schema =>; has app => undef, weak => 1; sub _helper_name { my ( $self, $name ) = @_; return join '.', 'yancy', $self->moniker, $name; } sub register { my ( $self, $app, $config ) = @_; $config->{title} //= $app->l( 'Yancy' ); $config->{return_label} //= $app->l( 'Back to Application' ); $self->backend( $config->{backend} ); $self->schema( my $schema = $config->{schema} ); $self->app( $app ); for my $key ( grep exists $config->{ $_ }, qw( moniker ) ) { $self->$key( $config->{ $key } ); } $config->{default_controller} //= $config->{api_controller} // 'Yancy'; if ( $config->{api_controller} ) { derp 'api_controller configuration is deprecated. Use editor.default_controller instead'; } # XXX: Throw an error if there is already a route here my $route = $app->yancy->routify( $config->{route}, '/yancy' ); $route->to( return_to => $config->{return_to} // '/' ); # Create authentication for editor. We need to delay fetching this # callback until after startup is complete so that any auth plugin # can be added. my $auth_under = sub { my ( $c ) = @_; state $auth_cb = $c->yancy->can( 'auth' ) && $c->yancy->auth->can( 'require_user' ) && $c->yancy->auth->require_user( $config->{require_user} || () ); if ( !$auth_cb && !exists $config->{require_user} && !defined $config->{route} ) { $app->log->warn( qq{*** Cannot verify that admin editor is behind authentication.\n} . qq{Add a Yancy Auth plugin, add a `route` to the Yancy plugin config,\n} . qq{or set `editor.require_user => undef` to silence this warning\n} ); } return $auth_cb ? $auth_cb->( $c ) : 1; }; $route = $route->under( $auth_under ); # First create the OpenAPI schema and API URL my $spec; if ( $config->{openapi} && keys %{ $config->{openapi} } ) { $spec = $config->{openapi}; } else { # Add OpenAPI spec $spec = $self->_openapi_spec_from_schema( $config ); } $self->_openapi_spec_add_mojo( $spec, $config ); my $openapi = $app->plugin( OpenAPI => { route => $route->any( '/api' )->to( backend => $self->backend )->name( 'yancy.api' ), spec => $spec, default_response_name => '_Error', validator => json_validator(), } ); $_->to(format => 'json') for (@{$openapi->route->children}); $app->helper( 'yancy.openapi' => sub { derp 'yancy.openapi helper is deprecated. Use yancy.editor.openapi instead'; return $openapi; } ); $app->helper( $self->_helper_name( 'openapi' ) => sub { $openapi } ); # Do some sanity checks on the config to make sure nothing bad # happens for my $schema_name ( keys %$schema ) { if ( my $view = $schema->{ $schema_name }{ 'x-view' } ) { $schema_name = $view->{schema}; } next if $schema->{ $schema_name }{ 'x-view' }; if ( my $list_cols = $schema->{ $schema_name }{ 'x-list-columns' } ) { for my $col ( @$list_cols ) { if ( ref $col eq 'HASH' ) { # Check template for columns my @cols = $col->{template} =~ m'\{([^{]+)\}'g; if ( my ( $col ) = grep { !exists $schema->{ $schema_name }{ properties }{ $_ } } @cols ) { die sprintf q{Column "%s" in x-list-columns template does not exist in schema "%s"}, $col, $schema_name; } } else { if ( !exists $schema->{ $schema_name }{ properties }{ $col } ) { die sprintf q{Column "%s" in x-list-columns does not exist in schema "%s"}, $col, $schema_name; } } } } } # Now create the routes and helpers the editor needs $route->get( '/' )->name( 'yancy.index' ) ->to( template => 'yancy/index', controller => $config->{default_controller}, action => 'index', api_url => $openapi->route->render, title => $config->{title}, return_label => $config->{return_label}, ); $route->post( '/upload' )->name( 'yancy.editor.upload' ) ->to( cb => sub { my ( $c ) = @_; my $upload = $c->param( 'upload' ); my $path = $c->yancy->file->write( $upload ); $c->res->headers->location( $path ); $c->render( status => 201, text => $path ); } ); $app->helper( $self->_helper_name( 'menu' ), currym( $self, '_helper_menu' ) ); $app->helper( $self->_helper_name( 'include' ), currym( $self, '_helper_include' ) ); $app->helper( $self->_helper_name( 'route' ), sub { $route } ); $app->helper( 'yancy.route', sub { derp 'yancy.route helper is deprecated. Use yancy.editor.route instead'; return $self->route; } ); $self->route( $route ); } sub _helper_include { my ( $self, $c, @includes ) = @_; if ( @includes ) { push @{ $self->includes }, @includes; } return $self->includes; } sub _helper_menu { my ( $self, $c, $category, $title, $config ) = @_; if ( $config ) { push @{ $self->menu_items->{ $category } }, { %$config, title => $title, }; } return $self->menu_items; } sub _openapi_find_schema_name { my ( $self, $path, $pathspec ) = @_; return $pathspec->{'x-schema'} if $pathspec->{'x-schema'}; my $schema_name; for my $method ( grep !/^(parameters$|x-)/, keys %{ $pathspec } ) { my $op_spec = $pathspec->{ $method }; my $schema; if ( $method eq 'get' ) { # d is in case only has "default" response my ($response) = grep /^[2d]/, sort keys %{ $op_spec->{responses} }; my $response_spec = $op_spec->{responses}{$response}; next unless $schema = $response_spec->{schema}; } elsif ( $method =~ /^(put|post)$/ ) { my @body_params = grep 'body' eq ($_->{in} // ''), @{ $op_spec->{parameters} || [] }, @{ $pathspec->{parameters} || [] }, ; die "No more than 1 'body' parameter allowed" if @body_params > 1; next unless $schema = $body_params[0]->{schema}; } next unless my $this_ref = $schema->{'$ref'} || ( $schema->{items} && $schema->{items}{'$ref'} ) || ( $schema->{properties} && $schema->{properties}{items} && $schema->{properties}{items}{'$ref'} ); next unless $this_ref =~ s:^#/definitions/::; die "$method '$path' = $this_ref but also '$schema_name'" if $this_ref and $schema_name and $this_ref ne $schema_name; $schema_name = $this_ref; } if ( !$schema_name ) { ($schema_name) = $path =~ m#^/([^/]+)#; die "No schema found in '$path'" if !$schema_name; } $schema_name; } # mutates $spec sub _openapi_spec_add_mojo { my ( $self, $spec, $config ) = @_; for my $path ( keys %{ $spec->{paths} } ) { my $pathspec = $spec->{paths}{ $path }; my $schema = $self->_openapi_find_schema_name( $path, $pathspec ); die "Path '$path' had non-existent schema '$schema'" if !$spec->{definitions}{$schema}; for my $method ( grep !/^(parameters$|x-)/, keys %{ $pathspec } ) { my $op_spec = $pathspec->{ $method }; my $mojo = $self->_openapi_spec_infer_mojo( $path, $pathspec, $method, $op_spec ); # XXX Allow overriding controller on a per-schema basis # This gives more control over how a certain schema's items # are written/read from the database $mojo->{controller} = $config->{default_controller}; $mojo->{schema} = $schema; my @filters = ( @{ $pathspec->{ 'x-filter' } || [] }, @{ $op_spec->{ 'x-filter' } || [] }, ); $mojo->{filters} = \@filters if @filters; my @filters_out = ( @{ $pathspec->{ 'x-filter-output' } || [] }, @{ $op_spec->{ 'x-filter-output' } || [] }, ); $mojo->{filters_out} = \@filters_out if @filters_out; $op_spec->{ 'x-mojo-to' } = $mojo; } } } # for a given OpenAPI operation, figures out right values for 'x-mojo-to' # to hook it up to the correct CRUD operation sub _openapi_spec_infer_mojo { my ( $self, $path, $pathspec, $method, $op_spec ) = @_; my @path_params = grep 'path' eq ($_->{in} // ''), @{ $pathspec->{parameters} || [] }, @{ $op_spec->{parameters} || [] }, ; my ($id_field) = grep defined, (map $_->{'x-id-field'}, $op_spec, $pathspec), (@path_params && $path_params[-1]{name}); if ( $method eq 'get' ) { # heuristic: is per-item if have a param in path if ( $id_field ) { # per-item - GET = "read" return { action => 'get', format => 'json', }; } else { # per-schema - GET = "list" return { action => 'list', format => 'json', }; } } elsif ( $method eq 'post' ) { return { action => 'set', format => 'json', }; } elsif ( $method eq 'put' ) { die "'$method' $path needs id_field" if !$id_field; return { action => 'set', format => 'json', }; } elsif ( $method eq 'delete' ) { die "'$method' $path needs id_field" if !$id_field; return { action => 'delete', format => 'json', }; } else { die "Unknown method '$method'"; } } sub _openapi_spec_from_schema { my ( $self, $config ) = @_; my ( %definitions, %paths ); my %parameters = ( '$limit' => { name => '$limit', type => 'integer', in => 'query', description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI $limit description' ), }, '$offset' => { name => '$offset', type => 'integer', in => 'query', description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI $offset description' ), }, '$order_by' => { name => '$order_by', type => 'string', in => 'query', pattern => '^(?:asc|desc):[^:,]+$', description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI $order_by description' ), }, '$match' => { name => '$match', type => 'string', enum => [qw( any all )], default => 'all', in => 'query', description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI $match description' ), }, ); for my $schema_name ( keys %{ $config->{schema} } ) { # Set some defaults so users don't have to type as much my $schema = $config->{schema}{ $schema_name }; next if $schema->{ 'x-ignore' }; my $id_field = $schema->{ 'x-id-field' } // 'id'; my @id_fields = ref $id_field eq 'ARRAY' ? @$id_field : ( $id_field ); my $real_schema_name = ( $schema->{'x-view'} || {} )->{schema} // $schema_name; my $props = $schema->{properties} || $config->{schema}{ $real_schema_name }{properties}; my %props = %$props; $definitions{ $schema_name } = $schema; for my $prop ( keys %props ) { $props{ $prop }{ type } ||= 'string'; } $paths{ '/' . $schema_name } = { get => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI list description' ), parameters => [ { '$ref' => '#/parameters/%24limit' }, { '$ref' => '#/parameters/%24offset' }, { '$ref' => '#/parameters/%24order_by' }, { '$ref' => '#/parameters/%24match' }, map { my $name = $_; my $type = ref $props{ $_ }{type} eq 'ARRAY' ? $props{ $_ }{type}[0] : $props{ $_ }{type}; my $description = $self->app->l( $type eq 'number' || $type eq 'integer' ? 'OpenAPI filter number description' : $type eq 'boolean' ? 'OpenAPI filter boolean description' : $type eq 'array' ? 'OpenAPI filter array description' : 'OpenAPI filter string description' ); { name => $name, in => 'query', type => $type, description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI filter description', $name ) . $description, } } grep !exists( $props{ $_ }{'$ref'} ), sort keys %props, ], responses => { 200 => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI list response' ), schema => { type => 'object', required => [qw( items total )], properties => { total => { type => 'integer', description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI list total description' ), }, items => { type => 'array', description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI list items description' ), items => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/" . url_escape $schema_name }, }, offset => { type => 'integer', description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI list offset description' ), }, }, }, }, default => { description => $self->app->l( 'Unexpected error' ), schema => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/_Error' }, }, }, }, $schema->{'x-view'} ? () : (post => { parameters => [ { name => "newItem", in => "body", required => true, schema => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/" . url_escape $schema_name }, }, ], responses => { 201 => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI create response' ), schema => { @id_fields > 1 ? ( type => 'array', items => [ map +{ '$ref' => '#/' . join '/', map { url_escape $_ } 'definitions', $schema_name, 'properties', $_, }, @id_fields, ], ) : ( '$ref' => '#/' . join '/', map { url_escape $_ } 'definitions', $schema_name, 'properties', $id_fields[0], ), }, }, default => { description => $self->app->l( "Unexpected error" ), schema => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/_Error" }, }, }, }), }; $paths{ sprintf '/%s/{%s}', $schema_name, $id_field } = { parameters => [ map +{ name => $_, in => 'path', required => true, type => 'string', 'x-mojo-placeholder' => '*', }, @id_fields ], get => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI get description' ), responses => { 200 => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI get response' ), schema => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/" . url_escape $schema_name }, }, default => { description => $self->app->l( "Unexpected error" ), schema => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/_Error' }, } } }, $schema->{'x-view'} ? () : (put => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI update description' ), parameters => [ { name => "newItem", in => "body", required => true, schema => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/" . url_escape $schema_name }, } ], responses => { 200 => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI update response' ), schema => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/" . url_escape $schema_name }, }, default => { description => $self->app->l( "Unexpected error" ), schema => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/_Error" }, } } }, delete => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI delete description' ), responses => { 204 => { description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI delete response' ), }, default => { description => $self->app->l( "Unexpected error" ), schema => { '$ref' => '#/definitions/_Error' }, }, }, }), }; } return { info => $config->{info} || { title => $config->{title}, version => "1" }, swagger => '2.0', host => $config->{host} // hostname(), basePath => '/api', schemes => [qw( http )], consumes => [qw( application/json )], produces => [qw( application/json )], definitions => { _Error => { title => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI error object' ), type => 'object', properties => { errors => { type => "array", items => { required => [qw( message )], properties => { message => { type => "string", description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI error message' ), }, path => { type => "string", description => $self->app->l( 'OpenAPI error path' ), } } } } } }, %definitions, }, paths => \%paths, parameters => \%parameters, }; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Yancy::Plugin::Editor - Yancy content editor, admin, and management application =head1 VERSION version 1.081 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Lite; # The default editor at /yancy plugin Yancy => { backend => 'sqlite://myapp.db', read_schema => 1, editor => { require_user => { can_edit => 1 }, }, }; # Enable another editor for blog users app->plugin->yancy( Editor => { moniker => 'blog_editor', backend => app->yancy->backend, schema => { blog_posts => app->yancy->schema( 'blog_posts' ) }, route => app->routes->any( '/blog/editor' ), require_user => { can_blog => 1 }, } ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin contains the Yancy editor application which allows editing the data in a L. =head1 CONFIGURATION This plugin has the following configuration options. =head2 backend The backend to use for this editor. Defaults to the default backend configured in the L
. =head2 schema The schema to use to build the editor application. This may not necessarily be the full and exact schema supported by the backend: You can remove certain fields from this editor instance to protect them, for example. If not given, will use L to read the schema from the backend. =head2 openapi Instead of L, you can pass a full OpenAPI spec to this editor. This is deprecated; see L. =head2 default_controller The default controller for API routes. Defaults to L. Building a custom controller can allow for customizing how the editor works and what content it displays to which users. =head2 moniker The name of this editor instance. Used to build helper names and route names. Defaults to C. Other plugins may rely on there being a default editor named C. Additional instances should have different monikers. =head2 route A base route to add the editor to. This allows you to customize the URL and add authentication or authorization. Defaults to allowing access to the Yancy web application under C, and the REST API under C. This can be a string or a L object. =head2 return_to The URL to use for the "Back to Application" link. Defaults to C. =head2 title The title of the page, shown in the title bar and the page header. Defaults to C. =head2 host The host to use for the generated OpenAPI spec. Defaults to the current system's hostname (via L). =head2 info An OpenAPI info object, as a Perl hashref. See L for what keys are allowed in this hashref. =head1 HELPERS =head2 yancy.editor.include $app->yancy->editor->include( $template_name ); Include a template in the editor, before the rest of the editor. Use this to add your own L components to the editor. =head2 $app->yancy->editor->menu( $category, $title, $config ); Add a menu item to the editor. The C<$category> is the title of the category in the sidebar. C<$title> is the title of the menu item. C<$config> is a hash reference with the following keys: =over =item component The name of a Vue.JS component to display for this menu item. The component will take up the entire main area of the application, and will be kept active even after another menu item is selected. =back Yancy plugins should use the category C. Other categories are available for custom applications. app->yancy->editor->include( 'plugin/editor/custom_element' ); app->yancy->editor->menu( 'Plugins', 'Custom Item', { component => 'custom-element', }, ); __END__ @@ plugin/editor/custom_element.html.ep %= javascript begin Vue.component( 'custom-element', { template: '#custom-element-template', } ); % end =for html screenshot of yancy editor showing custom element =head2 yancy.editor.route Get the route where the editor will appear. =head2 yancy.editor.openapi my $openapi = $c->yancy->openapi; Get the L object containing the OpenAPI interface for this Yancy API. =head1 TEMPLATES To override these templates, add your own at the designated path inside your app's C directory. =head2 yancy/editor.html.ep This is the main Yancy web application. You should not override this. Instead, use the L helper to add new components. If there is something you can't do using the include helper, consider L or L. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Doug Bell =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Doug Bell. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut