package Yancy::Util; our $VERSION = '1.081'; # ABSTRACT: Utilities for Yancy #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS #pod #pod use Yancy::Util qw( load_backend ); #pod my $be = load_backend( 'test://localhost', $schema ); #pod #pod use Yancy::Util qw( curry ); #pod my $helper = curry( \&_helper_sub, @args ); #pod #pod use Yancy::Util qw( currym ); #pod my $sub = currym( $object, 'method_name', @args ); #pod #pod use Yancy::Util qw( match ); #pod if ( match( $where, $item ) ) { #pod say 'Matched!'; #pod } #pod #pod use Yancy::Util qw( fill_brackets ); #pod my $value = fill_brackets( $template, $item ); #pod #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This module contains utility functions for Yancy. #pod #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod L #pod #pod =cut use Mojo::Base '-strict'; use Exporter 'import'; use List::Util qw( all any none first ); use Mojo::Loader qw( load_class ); use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); use Mojo::JSON::Pointer; use Mojo::JSON qw( to_json ); use Mojo::Util qw( xml_escape ); use Carp qw( carp ); use JSON::Validator; our @EXPORT_OK = qw( load_backend curry currym copy_inline_refs match derp fill_brackets is_type order_by is_format json_validator ); #pod =sub load_backend #pod #pod my $backend = load_backend( $backend_url, $schema ); #pod my $backend = load_backend( { $backend_name => $arg }, $schema ); #pod my $backend = load_backend( $db_object, $schema ); #pod #pod Get a Yancy backend from the given backend URL, or from a hash reference #pod with a backend name and optional argument. The C<$schema> hash is #pod the configured JSON schema for this backend. #pod #pod A backend URL should begin with a name followed by a colon. The first #pod letter of the name will be capitalized, and used to build a class name #pod in the C namespace. #pod #pod The C<$backend_name> should be the name of a module in the #pod C namespace. The C<$arg> is handled by the backend #pod module. Read your backend module's documentation for details. #pod #pod The C<$db_object> can be one of: L, L, #pod L, or a subclass of L. The #pod appropriate backend object will be created. #pod #pod See L for information about #pod backend URLs and L for more information about backend #pod objects. #pod #pod =cut # This allows users to pass in the database object directly our %BACKEND_CLASSES = ( 'Mojo::Pg' => 'pg', 'Mojo::mysql' => 'mysql', 'Mojo::SQLite' => 'sqlite', 'DBIx::Class::Schema' => 'dbic', ); # Aliases allow the user to specify the same string as they pass to # their database object our %TYPE_ALIAS = ( postgresql => 'pg', ); sub load_backend { my ( $config, $schema ) = @_; my ( $type, $arg ); if ( !ref $config ) { ( $type ) = $config =~ m{^([^:]+)}; $type = $TYPE_ALIAS{ $type } // $type; $arg = $config; } elsif ( blessed $config ) { for my $class ( keys %BACKEND_CLASSES ) { if ( $config->isa( $class ) ) { ( $type, $arg ) = ( $BACKEND_CLASSES{ $class }, $config ); last; } } } else { ( $type, $arg ) = %{ $config }; } my $class = 'Yancy::Backend::' . ucfirst $type; if ( my $e = load_class( $class ) ) { die ref $e ? "Could not load class $class: $e" : "Could not find class $class"; } return $class->new( $arg, $schema ); } #pod =sub curry #pod #pod my $curried_sub = curry( $sub, @args ); #pod #pod Return a new subref that, when called, will call the passed-in subref with #pod the passed-in C<@args> first. #pod #pod For example: #pod #pod my $add = sub { #pod my ( $lop, $rop ) = @_; #pod return $lop + $rop; #pod }; #pod my $add_four = curry( $add, 4 ); #pod say $add_four->( 1 ); # 5 #pod say $add_four->( 2 ); # 6 #pod say $add_four->( 3 ); # 7 #pod #pod This is more-accurately called L, but #pod C is shorter. #pod #pod =cut sub curry { my ( $sub, @args ) = @_; return sub { $sub->( @args, @_ ) }; } #pod =sub currym #pod #pod my $curried_sub = currym( $obj, $method, @args ); #pod #pod Return a subref that, when called, will call given C<$method> on the #pod given C<$obj> with any passed-in C<@args> first. #pod #pod See L for an example. #pod #pod =cut sub currym { my ( $obj, $meth, @args ) = @_; my $sub = $obj->can( $meth ) || die sprintf q{Can't curry method "%s" on object of type "%s": Method is not implemented}, $meth, blessed( $obj ); return curry( $sub, $obj, @args ); } #pod =sub copy_inline_refs #pod #pod my $subschema = copy_inline_refs( $schema, '/user' ); #pod #pod Given: #pod #pod =over #pod #pod =item a "source" JSON schema (will not be mutated) #pod #pod =item a JSON Pointer into the source schema, from which to be copied #pod #pod =back #pod #pod will return another, copied standalone JSON schema, with any C<$ref> #pod either copied in, or if previously encountered, with a C<$ref> to the #pod new location. #pod #pod =cut sub copy_inline_refs { my ( $schema, $pointer, $usschema, $uspointer, $refmap ) = @_; $usschema //= Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new( $schema )->get( $pointer ); $uspointer //= ''; $refmap ||= {}; return { '$ref' => $refmap->{ $uspointer } } if $refmap->{ $uspointer }; $refmap->{ $pointer } = "#$uspointer" unless ref $usschema eq 'HASH' and $usschema->{'$ref'}; return $usschema unless ref $usschema eq 'ARRAY' or ref $usschema eq 'HASH'; my $counter = 0; return [ map copy_inline_refs( $schema, $pointer.'/'.$counter++, $_, $uspointer.'/'.$counter++, $refmap, ), @$usschema ] if ref $usschema eq 'ARRAY'; # HASH my $ref = $usschema->{'$ref'}; return { map { $_ => copy_inline_refs( $schema, $pointer.'/'.$_, $usschema->{ $_ }, $uspointer.'/'.$_, $refmap, ) } sort keys %$usschema } if !$ref; $ref =~ s:^#::; return { '$ref' => $refmap->{ $ref } } if $refmap->{ $ref }; copy_inline_refs( $schema, $ref, Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new( $schema )->get( $ref ), $uspointer, $refmap, ); } #pod =sub match #pod #pod my $bool = match( $where, $item ); #pod #pod Test if the given C<$item> matches the given L C<$where> #pod data structure. See L for the full syntax. #pod #pod Not all of SQL::Abstract's syntax is supported yet, so patches are welcome. #pod #pod =cut sub match { my ( $match, $item ) = @_; return undef if !defined $item; if ( ref $match eq 'ARRAY' ) { return any { match( $_, $item ) } @$match; } my %test; for my $key ( keys %$match ) { if ( $key =~ /^-(not_)?bool/ ) { my $want_false = $1; $key = $match->{ $key }; # the actual field $test{ $key } = sub { my ( $value, $key ) = @_; return $want_false ? !$value : !!$value; }; } elsif ( !ref $match->{ $key } ) { $test{ $key } = $match->{ $key }; } elsif ( ref $match->{ $key } eq 'HASH' ) { if ( my $value = $match->{ $key }{ -like } || $match->{ $key }{ like } ) { $value = quotemeta $value; $value =~ s/(?{ $key }{ -has } ) { my $expect = $value; $test{ $key } = sub { my ( $value, $key ) = @_; return 0 if !defined $value; if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) { if ( ref $expect eq 'ARRAY' ) { return all { my $e = $_; any { $_ eq $e } @$value } @$expect; } elsif ( !ref $expect ) { return any { $_ eq $expect } @$value; } } elsif ( ref $value eq 'HASH' ) { if ( ref $expect eq 'HASH' ) { return match( $expect, $value ); } else { die 'Bad query in -has on hash value: ' . ref $expect; } } else { die '-has query does not work on non-ref fields'; } }; } elsif ( $value = $match->{ $key }{ -not_has } ) { $test{ $key } = sub { my $expect = $value; my ( $value, $key ) = @_; return 1 if !defined $value; if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) { if ( ref $expect eq 'ARRAY' ) { return all { my $e = $_; none { $_ eq $e } @$value } @$expect; } elsif ( !ref $expect ) { return none { $_ eq $expect } @$value; } else { die 'Bad query in -has on array value: ' . ref $expect; } } elsif ( ref $value eq 'HASH' ) { if ( ref $expect eq 'HASH' ) { return !match( $expect, $value ); } else { die 'Bad query in -has on hash value: ' . ref $expect; } } else { die '-has query does not work on non-ref fields'; } }; } elsif ( exists $match->{ $key }{ '!=' } ) { my $expect = $match->{ $key }{ '!=' }; $test{ $key } = sub { my ( $got, $key ) = @_; if ( !defined $expect || !defined $got) { return defined $got != defined $expect; } return $got ne $expect; }; } else { die "Unimplemented query type: " . to_json( $match->{ $key } ); } } elsif ( ref $match->{ $key } eq 'ARRAY' ) { my @tests = @{ $match->{ $key } }; # Array is an 'OR' combiner $test{ $key } = sub { my ( $value, $key ) = @_; my $sub_item = { $key => $value }; return any { match( { $key => $_ }, $sub_item ) } @tests; }; } else { die "Unimplemented match ref type: " . to_json( $match->{ $key } ); } } my $passes = grep { !defined $test{ $_ } ? !defined $item->{ $_ } : ref $test{ $_ } eq 'Regexp' ? $item->{ $_ } =~ $test{ $_ } : ref $test{ $_ } eq 'CODE' ? $test{ $_ }->( $item->{ $_ }, $_ ) : ($item->{ $_ }//'') eq ($test{ $_ }//'') } keys %test; return $passes == keys %test; } #pod =sub order_by #pod #pod my $ordered_array = order_by( $order_by, $unordered_array ); #pod #pod Order the given arrayref by the given L order-by clause. #pod #pod =cut sub order_by { my ( $order_by, $unordered ) = @_; # Array of [ (-asc/-desc), (field) ] my @sort_items; if ( ref $order_by eq 'ARRAY' ) { @sort_items = map { [ ref $_ ? %$_ : ( -asc => $_ ) ] } @$order_by; } elsif ( ref $order_by eq 'HASH' ) { @sort_items = [ %$order_by ]; } else { @sort_items = [ -asc => $order_by ]; } my @ordered = sort { for my $item ( @sort_items ) { my $cmp = $item->[0] eq '-asc' ? ($a->{ $item->[1] }//'') cmp ($b->{ $item->[1] }//'') : ($b->{ $item->[1] }//'') cmp ($a->{ $item->[1] }//'') ; return $cmp || next; } } @$unordered; return \@ordered; } #pod =sub fill_brackets #pod #pod my $string = fill_brackets( $template, $item ); #pod #pod This routine will fill in the given template string with the values from #pod the given C<$item> hashref. The template contains field names within curly braces. #pod Values in the C<$item> hashref will be escaped with L. #pod #pod my $item = { #pod name => 'Doug Bell', #pod email => '', #pod quote => 'I <3 Perl', #pod }; #pod #pod # Doug Bell #pod fill_brackets( '{name} <{email}>', $item ); #pod #pod # I <3 Perl #pod fill_brackets( '{quote}', $item ); #pod #pod =cut sub fill_brackets { my ( $template, $item ) = @_; return scalar $template =~ s/(?{$1}/reg; } #pod =sub is_type #pod #pod my $bool = is_type( $schema->{properties}{myprop}{type}, 'boolean' ); #pod #pod Returns true if the given JSON schema type value (which can be a string or #pod an array of strings) contains the given value, allowing the given type for #pod the property. #pod #pod # true #pod is_type( 'boolean', 'boolean' ); #pod is_type( [qw( boolean null )], 'boolean' ); #pod # false #pod is_type( 'string', 'boolean' ); #pod is_type( [qw( string null )], 'boolean' ); #pod #pod =cut sub is_type { my ( $type, $is_type ) = @_; return unless $type; return ref $type eq 'ARRAY' ? !!grep { $_ eq $is_type } @$type : $type eq $is_type; } #pod =sub is_format #pod #pod my $bool = is_format( $schema->{properties}{myprop}{format}, 'date-time' ); #pod #pod Returns true if the given JSON schema format value (a string) is the given value. #pod #pod # true #pod is_format( 'date-time', 'date-time' ); #pod # false #pod is_format( 'email', 'date-time' ); #pod #pod =cut sub is_format { my ( $format, $is_format ) = @_; return unless $format; return $format eq $is_format; } #pod =sub derp #pod #pod derp "This feature is deprecated in file '%s'", $file; #pod #pod Print out a deprecation message as a warning. A message will only be #pod printed once for each set of arguments from each caller. #pod #pod =cut our @CARP_NOT = qw( Yancy::Controller::Yancy Yancy::Controller::Yancy::MultiTenant Mojolicious::Plugin::Yancy Mojolicious::Plugins Mojolicious Mojo::Server Yancy::Plugin::Editor Yancy::Plugin::Auth Mojolicious::Renderer Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Token Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Password ); our %DERPED; sub derp(@) { my @args = @_; my $key = to_json [ caller, @args ]; return if $DERPED{ $key }; if ( $args[0] !~ /\.$/ ) { $args[0] .= '.'; } carp sprintf( $args[0], @args[1..$#args] ); $DERPED{ $key } = 1; } #pod =sub json_validator #pod #pod my $json_validator = json_validator( $schema ); #pod #pod Build a L object for the given schema, adding all the #pod necessary attributes. #pod #pod =cut sub json_validator { my ( $schema ) = @_; my $v = JSON::Validator->new( coerce => 'bool,def,num,str' ); my $formats = $v->formats; $formats->{ password } = sub { undef }; $formats->{ filepath } = sub { undef }; $formats->{ markdown } = sub { undef }; $formats->{ tel } = sub { undef }; $formats->{ textarea } = sub { undef }; return $v; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Yancy::Util - Utilities for Yancy =head1 VERSION version 1.081 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Yancy::Util qw( load_backend ); my $be = load_backend( 'test://localhost', $schema ); use Yancy::Util qw( curry ); my $helper = curry( \&_helper_sub, @args ); use Yancy::Util qw( currym ); my $sub = currym( $object, 'method_name', @args ); use Yancy::Util qw( match ); if ( match( $where, $item ) ) { say 'Matched!'; } use Yancy::Util qw( fill_brackets ); my $value = fill_brackets( $template, $item ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains utility functions for Yancy. =head1 SUBROUTINES =head2 load_backend my $backend = load_backend( $backend_url, $schema ); my $backend = load_backend( { $backend_name => $arg }, $schema ); my $backend = load_backend( $db_object, $schema ); Get a Yancy backend from the given backend URL, or from a hash reference with a backend name and optional argument. The C<$schema> hash is the configured JSON schema for this backend. A backend URL should begin with a name followed by a colon. The first letter of the name will be capitalized, and used to build a class name in the C namespace. The C<$backend_name> should be the name of a module in the C namespace. The C<$arg> is handled by the backend module. Read your backend module's documentation for details. The C<$db_object> can be one of: L, L, L, or a subclass of L. The appropriate backend object will be created. See L for information about backend URLs and L for more information about backend objects. =head2 curry my $curried_sub = curry( $sub, @args ); Return a new subref that, when called, will call the passed-in subref with the passed-in C<@args> first. For example: my $add = sub { my ( $lop, $rop ) = @_; return $lop + $rop; }; my $add_four = curry( $add, 4 ); say $add_four->( 1 ); # 5 say $add_four->( 2 ); # 6 say $add_four->( 3 ); # 7 This is more-accurately called L, but C is shorter. =head2 currym my $curried_sub = currym( $obj, $method, @args ); Return a subref that, when called, will call given C<$method> on the given C<$obj> with any passed-in C<@args> first. See L for an example. =head2 copy_inline_refs my $subschema = copy_inline_refs( $schema, '/user' ); Given: =over =item a "source" JSON schema (will not be mutated) =item a JSON Pointer into the source schema, from which to be copied =back will return another, copied standalone JSON schema, with any C<$ref> either copied in, or if previously encountered, with a C<$ref> to the new location. =head2 match my $bool = match( $where, $item ); Test if the given C<$item> matches the given L C<$where> data structure. See L for the full syntax. Not all of SQL::Abstract's syntax is supported yet, so patches are welcome. =head2 order_by my $ordered_array = order_by( $order_by, $unordered_array ); Order the given arrayref by the given L order-by clause. =head2 fill_brackets my $string = fill_brackets( $template, $item ); This routine will fill in the given template string with the values from the given C<$item> hashref. The template contains field names within curly braces. Values in the C<$item> hashref will be escaped with L. my $item = { name => 'Doug Bell', email => '', quote => 'I <3 Perl', }; # Doug Bell fill_brackets( '{name} <{email}>', $item ); # I <3 Perl fill_brackets( '{quote}', $item ); =head2 is_type my $bool = is_type( $schema->{properties}{myprop}{type}, 'boolean' ); Returns true if the given JSON schema type value (which can be a string or an array of strings) contains the given value, allowing the given type for the property. # true is_type( 'boolean', 'boolean' ); is_type( [qw( boolean null )], 'boolean' ); # false is_type( 'string', 'boolean' ); is_type( [qw( string null )], 'boolean' ); =head2 is_format my $bool = is_format( $schema->{properties}{myprop}{format}, 'date-time' ); Returns true if the given JSON schema format value (a string) is the given value. # true is_format( 'date-time', 'date-time' ); # false is_format( 'email', 'date-time' ); =head2 derp derp "This feature is deprecated in file '%s'", $file; Print out a deprecation message as a warning. A message will only be printed once for each set of arguments from each caller. =head2 json_validator my $json_validator = json_validator( $schema ); Build a L object for the given schema, adding all the necessary attributes. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Doug Bell =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Doug Bell. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut