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#!/usr/bin/env perl
package yfrom;
our $VERSION = '0.038';
# ABSTRACT: Build YAML from another format (like JSON or CSV)
use ETL::Yertl;
use Pod::Usage::Return qw( pod2usage );
use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptionsFromArray );
use ETL::Yertl::Command::yfrom;
$|++; # no buffering
sub main {
my ( $class, @argv ) = @_;
my %opt;
GetOptionsFromArray( \@argv, \%opt,
return pod2usage(0) if $opt{help};
if ( $opt{version} ) {
print "yfrom version $yfrom::VERSION (Perl $^V)\n";
return 0;
eval {
ETL::Yertl::Command::yfrom->main( @argv, \%opt );
if ( $@ ) {
return pod2usage( "ERROR: $@" );
return 0;
exit __PACKAGE__->main( @ARGV ) unless caller(0);
yfrom <format> [<file>...]
yfrom csv [-d <delimiter>] [<file>...]
yfrom -h|--help|--version
This program takes a stream of documents in the given format (on STDIN or file arguments),
and prints them as YAML.
=head2 format
The format to read. Currently supported formats: JSON, CSV
=head2 <file>
A file to read. The special file "-" refers to STDIN. If no files are
specified, read STDIN.
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 -d | --delimiter
The delimiter to use for the C<csv> format. Defaults to C<,>.
=head2 -h | --help
Show this help document.
=head2 --version
Print the current yfrom and Perl versions.
=over 4
Specify the default format Yertl uses between commands. Defaults to C<yaml>. Can be
set to C<json> for interoperability with other programs.