Display the To-do List
Now that we have some log items, let's display them! When a user visits
our root page (/
), we want to display the current date and the list of
the log entries that are available to complete for that date. So let's
edit our get '/'
Currently, our route displays our index.html.ep
template just by being
named 'index'
get '/' => 'index';
Route names in Mojolicious are used to set the default template to render, and to refer to routes later when we want to build URLs or redirect to a specific route. The route's name is different from its URL so that the URL can change but the route name can stay the same, making sure that all the links to the route are updated appropriately.
In addition to giving a route a name, we can also give it a subroutine
to handle the request and help generate a response. Building a response
in Mojolicious mostly means adding data to the stash
and rendering a
The subroutine must be the second argument to the get
function, so our
route will now look like this:
get '/' => sub {
my ( $c ) = @_;
} => 'index';
Collecting Data in the Stash
First, we start by finding out what today is, which we already know how to do:
get '/' => sub {
my ( $c ) = @_;
my $dt = DateTime->today;
Next we need to get the items that should appear today. But, before we
can get these items, we should make sure that they exist by calling our
$c->build_todo_log( $dt );
Now we can get our items. These items should have a start date less than
or equal to today's date, and an end date greater than or equal to
today's date. We need to know the ID of the log entry (for later), the
text of the todo item (joining the todo_item
table), and when (if) the
log entry was completed.
my $sql = <<' SQL';
SELECT log.id, item.title, log.complete
FROM todo_log log
JOIN todo_item item
ON log.todo_item_id = item.id
WHERE log.start_date <= ?::date
AND log.end_date >= ?::date
my $result = $c->pg->db->query( $sql, ( $dt->ymd ) x 2 );
my $items = $result->hashes;
Then we can render our template, passing in all the data we have (our date and our items).
return $c->render(
template => 'index',
date => $dt,
items => $items,
The arguments to the render()
method get added to the current
request's stash
. We could also add things explicitly using the
Mojolicious::Controller stash() method.
Our entire route looks like this:
get '/' => sub {
my ( $c ) = @_;
my $dt = DateTime->today;
$c->build_todo_log( $dt );
my $sql = <<' SQL';
SELECT log.id, item.title, log.complete
FROM todo_log log
JOIN todo_item item
ON log.todo_item_id = item.id
WHERE log.start_date <= ?::date
AND log.end_date >= ?::date
my $result = $c->pg->db->query( $sql, ($dt->ymd) x 2 );
my $items = $result->hashes;
return $c->render(
template => 'index',
date => $dt,
items => $items,
} => 'index';
Rendering the Template
Once we've prepared all the data our template needs, we need to change
our template to display the data. Down below our __DATA__
marker, in
our @@ index.html.ep
template, we need to show the current date and
display the list of items we need to do today.
In our template, each stash item is available as a scalar variable in
our template: date
in the stash becomes $date
in the template, and
the same for items
@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Welcome';
<h1><%= $date->ymd %></h1>
% for my $item ( @$items ) {
<p><%= $item->{title} %></p>
% }
In our new template, we use the ymd()
method of the DateTime object to
get a simple date in <year>-<month>-<day>
format. Then we loop over
the arrayref of items to display the item's title.
Now let's give it a test. When we're doing rapid development, it's nice
to not have to restart a server to load new code, so Mojolicious ships
with a command called morbo
that automatically restarts the server
when there's new code. Let's use morbo
to run our server:
$ carton exec morbo myapp.pl
Server available at
Then we can look at our work so far: 
Our full code now looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojo::Util qw( unindent trim );
use Mojo::Pg;
use DateTime::Event::Recurrence;
use DateTime;
helper pg => sub { state $pg = Mojo::Pg->new( 'postgres:///myapp' ) };
plugin Yancy => {
backend => { Pg => app->pg },
read_schema => 1,
schema => {
mojo_migrations => {
'x-ignore' => 1,
todo_item => {
title => 'To-Do Item',
description => unindent( trim q{
A recurring task to do. Tasks are available during a `period`, and
recur after an `interval`. For example:
* A task with an interval of `1` and a period of `day` should be
completed once every day.
* A task with an interval of `1` and a period of `week` should be
completed once every week.
* A task with an interval of `2` and a period of `day` will show up
once every 2 days and should be completed that day.
* A task with an interval of `2` and a period of `week` will show up
once every 2 weeks and should be completed that week.
example => {
period => "day",
title => "Did you brush your teeth?",
interval => 1,
properties => {
period => {
description => 'How long a task is available to do.',
interval => {
description => 'The number of periods each between each instance.',
start_date => {
description => 'The date to start using this item. Defaults to today.',
'x-list-columns' => [qw( title interval period )],
todo_log => {
title => 'To-Do Log',
description => unindent( trim q{
A log of the to-do items that have passed. Items can either be completed
or uncompleted.
} ),
properties => {
complete => {
description => 'The date which this item was completed, if any.',
day => 'daily',
week => 'weekly',
month => 'monthly',
sub _build_recurrence {
my ( $todo_item ) = @_;
my $method = $RECUR_METHOD{ $todo_item->{ period } };
return DateTime::Event::Recurrence->$method(
interval => $todo_item->{ interval },
sub _build_end_dt {
my ( $todo_item, $start_dt ) = @_;
if ( $todo_item->{ period } eq 'day' ) {
return $start_dt->clone;
elsif ( $todo_item->{ period } eq 'week' ) {
return $start_dt->clone->add( days => 6 );
elsif ( $todo_item->{ period } eq 'month' ) {
return $start_dt->clone->add( months => 1 )->subtract( days => 1 );
helper _log_exists => sub {
my ( $c, $todo_item, $start_dt ) = @_;
my $exists_sql = <<' SQL';
WHERE todo_item_id = ? AND start_date = ?
my $result = $c->pg->db->query( $exists_sql, $todo_item->{id}, $start_dt->ymd );
my $exists = !!$result->array->[0];
return $exists;
helper ensure_log_item_exists => sub {
my ( $c, $todo_item, $start_dt ) = @_;
if ( !$c->_log_exists( $todo_item, $start_dt ) ) {
my $end_dt = _build_end_dt( $todo_item, $start_dt );
my $insert_sql = <<' SQL';
INSERT INTO todo_log ( todo_item_id, start_date, end_date )
VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )
$c->pg->db->query( $insert_sql,
$todo_item->{id}, $start_dt->ymd, $end_dt->ymd,
helper build_todo_log => sub {
my ( $c, $dt ) = @_;
$dt //= DateTime->today;
my $sql = 'SELECT * FROM todo_item WHERE start_date <= ?';
my $result = $c->pg->db->query( $sql, $dt->ymd );
my $todo_items = $result->hashes;
for my $todo_item ( @$todo_items ) {
my $series = _build_recurrence( $todo_item );
if ( my $start_dt = $series->current( $dt ) ) {
$c->ensure_log_item_exists( $todo_item, $start_dt );
get '/' => sub {
my ( $c ) = @_;
my $dt = DateTime->today;
$c->build_todo_log( $dt );
my $sql = <<' SQL';
SELECT log.id, item.title, log.complete
FROM todo_log log
JOIN todo_item item
ON log.todo_item_id = item.id
WHERE log.start_date <= ?::date
AND log.end_date >= ?::date
my $result = $c->pg->db->query( $sql, ( $dt->ymd ) x 2 );
my $items = $result->hashes;
return $c->render(
template => 'index',
date => $dt,
items => $items,
} => 'index';
@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'My Application';
<h1><%= $date->ymd %></h1>
% for my $item ( @$items ) {
<p><%= $item->{title} %></p>
% }
@@ layouts/default.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title><%= title %></title></head>
%= content
@@ migrations
-- 1 up
CREATE TYPE todo_interval AS ENUM ( 'day', 'week', 'month' );
CREATE TABLE todo_item (
title TEXT,
period todo_interval NOT NULL,
interval INTEGER DEFAULT 1 CHECK ( interval >= 1 ) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE todo_log (
todo_item_id INTEGER REFERENCES todo_item ( id ) NOT NULL,
start_date DATE NOT NULL,
end_date DATE NOT NULL,
-- 1 down
DROP TABLE todo_log;
DROP TABLE todo_item;
DROP TYPE todo_interval;