Mark To-do Items as Completed

Once we've displayed our to-do list, we need to be able to mark our to-do items as completed. We will turn each of our todo log entries into a form with a button. Clicking on the button will mark the item as completed, or, if it's already completed, will mark it as incomplete (in case we mistakenly complete something we haven't done).

Building the Update Route Handler

First, we should build a route to mark an entry as completed. This will be a POST request, so we use the post function. We're going to put the ID of the log entry in the URL to make it REST-like.

post '/log/:log_id' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;

The : in the route path introduces a placeholder. The text following the : is where Mojolicious will save the value in the stash, which is a general storage area for the current request. So, we can get the ID out using the stash() method of the controller object.

    my $id = $c->stash( 'log_id' );

Our form will have a button that will have a value of true (1) or false (0) if we are marking the item as complete or incomplete. Form values are retrieved by using the param() method of the controller object. If the item is complete, we want to store the date that the item was completed. Otherwise we want to set the completed date to null (from the Perl side, we use undef).

    my $complete = $c->param( 'complete' )
        ? DateTime->today->ymd
        : undef;

Then we can execute a SQL UPDATE query to update our log entry.

    my $sql = 'UPDATE todo_log SET complete = ? WHERE id = ?';
    $c->pg->db->query( $sql, $complete, $id );

Finally, we redirect the user back to where they were, our index page, with the redirect_to() method, which takes the name of the route to redirect to as an argument.

    return $c->redirect_to( 'index' );

This route needs a name, so we'll give it a name of update_log. We're going to use this name to build a form that gets submitted to the right URL.

Creating the Button Form

Down in our template, rather than displaying an unordered list, now we're going to render a form for every item in the list.

@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Welcome';
<h1><%= $date->ymd %></h1>
% for my $item ( @$items ) {
    %= form_for 'update_log', { log_id => $item->{id} }, begin
        %= $item->{title}
        % if ( !$item->{complete} ) {
            <button name="complete" value="1">Complete</button>
        % }
        % else {
            <button name="complete" value="0">Undo</button>
        % }
    % end
% }

This uses the form_for helper. Helper functions are also available in every template (making them truly helpful). The form_for helper is part of a set of helpers installed by default from the Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers module. It takes the name of a route, a hash reference of placeholder values (in this case, we need to give it the ID of the log entry), and then we use the begin function.

The begin function allows us to add a template as an argument to a function. The end function marks the end of the content, and then the whole thing is given to the original function (in this case, form_for). In this way, the form_for function will wrap our content in <form> HTML tags.

Inside our form we print out the text of the todo item.

Finally, we add the button. If the item is not completed, we'll make a button that marks the item as complete. If the item is completed, we'll make a button that marks the item as incomplete.

Now we can see our button and click on it to complete our to-do list!

The todo list with complete/undo buttons

Our full code looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojo::Util qw( unindent trim );
use Mojo::Pg;
use DateTime::Event::Recurrence;
use DateTime;

helper pg => sub { state $pg = Mojo::Pg->new( 'postgres:///myapp' ) };

plugin Yancy => {
    backend => { Pg => app->pg },
    read_schema => 1,
    schema => {
        mojo_migrations => {
            'x-ignore' => 1,
        todo_item => {
            title => 'To-Do Item',
            description => unindent( trim q{
                A recurring task to do. Tasks are available during a `period`, and
                recur after an `interval`. For example:

                * A task with an interval of `1` and a period of `day` should be
                  completed once every day.
                * A task with an interval of `1` and a period of `week` should be
                  completed once every week.
                * A task with an interval of `2` and a period of `day` will show up
                  once every 2 days and should be completed that day.
                * A task with an interval of `2` and a period of `week` will show up
                  once every 2 weeks and should be completed that week.
            example => {
                period => "day",
                title => "Did you brush your teeth?",
                interval => 1,
            properties => {
                period => {
                    description => 'How long a task is available to do.',
                interval => {
                    description => 'The number of periods each between each instance.',
                start_date => {
                    description => 'The date to start using this item. Defaults to today.',
            'x-list-columns' => [qw( title interval period )],
        todo_log => {
            title => 'To-Do Log',
            description => unindent( trim q{
                A log of the to-do items that have passed. Items can either be completed
                or uncompleted.
            } ),
            properties => {
                complete => {
                    description => 'The date which this item was completed, if any.',

    day => 'daily',
    week => 'weekly',
    month => 'monthly',
sub _build_recurrence {
    my ( $todo_item ) = @_;
    my $method = $RECUR_METHOD{ $todo_item->{ period } };
    return DateTime::Event::Recurrence->$method(
        interval => $todo_item->{ interval },

sub _build_end_dt {
    my ( $todo_item, $start_dt ) = @_;
    if ( $todo_item->{ period } eq 'day' ) {
        return $start_dt->clone;
    elsif ( $todo_item->{ period } eq 'week' ) {
        return $start_dt->clone->add( days => 6 );
    elsif ( $todo_item->{ period } eq 'month' ) {
        return $start_dt->clone->add( months => 1 )->subtract( days => 1 );

helper _log_exists => sub {
    my ( $c, $todo_item, $start_dt ) = @_;
    my $exists_sql = <<'    SQL';
        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todo_log
        WHERE todo_item_id = ? AND start_date = ?
    my $result = $c->pg->db->query( $exists_sql, $todo_item->{id}, $start_dt->ymd );
    my $exists = !!$result->array->[0];
    return $exists;

helper ensure_log_item_exists => sub {
    my ( $c, $todo_item, $start_dt ) = @_;
    if ( !$c->_log_exists( $todo_item, $start_dt ) ) {
        my $end_dt = _build_end_dt( $todo_item, $start_dt );
        my $insert_sql = <<'        SQL';
            INSERT INTO todo_log ( todo_item_id, start_date, end_date )
            VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )
        $c->pg->db->query( $insert_sql,
            $todo_item->{id}, $start_dt->ymd, $end_dt->ymd,

helper build_todo_log => sub {
    my ( $c, $dt ) = @_;
    $dt //= DateTime->today;
    my $sql = 'SELECT * FROM todo_item WHERE start_date <= ?';
    my $result = $c->pg->db->query( $sql, $dt->ymd );
    my $todo_items = $result->hashes;
    for my $todo_item ( @$todo_items ) {
        my $series = _build_recurrence( $todo_item );
        if ( my $start_dt = $series->current( $dt ) ) {
            $c->ensure_log_item_exists( $todo_item, $start_dt );

get '/' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    my $dt = DateTime->today;
    $c->build_todo_log( $dt );
    my $sql = <<'    SQL';
        SELECT, item.title, log.complete
        FROM todo_log log
        JOIN todo_item item
            ON log.todo_item_id =
        WHERE log.start_date <= ?::date
            AND log.end_date >= ?::date
    my $result = $c->pg->db->query( $sql, ( $dt->ymd ) x 2 );
    my $items = $result->hashes;
    return $c->render(
        template => 'index',
        date => $dt,
        items => $items,
} => 'index';

post '/log/:log_id' => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    my $id = $c->stash( 'log_id' );
    my $complete = $c->param( 'complete' )
        ? DateTime->today->ymd
        : undef;
    my $sql = 'UPDATE todo_log SET complete = ? WHERE id = ?';
    $c->pg->db->query( $sql, $complete, $id );
    return $c->redirect_to( 'index' );
} => 'update_log';


@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Welcome';
<h1><%= $date->ymd %></h1>
% for my $item ( @$items ) {
    %= form_for 'update_log', { log_id => $item->{id} }, begin
        %= $item->{title}
        % if ( !$item->{complete} ) {
            <button name="complete" value="1">Complete</button>
        % }
        % else {
            <button name="complete" value="0">Undo</button>
        % }
    % end
% }

@@ layouts/default.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <head><title><%= title %></title></head>
        %= content

@@ migrations
-- 1 up
CREATE TYPE todo_interval AS ENUM ( 'day', 'week', 'month' );
CREATE TABLE todo_item (
    title TEXT,
    period todo_interval NOT NULL,
    interval INTEGER DEFAULT 1 CHECK ( interval >= 1 ) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE todo_log (
    todo_item_id INTEGER REFERENCES todo_item ( id ) NOT NULL,
    start_date DATE NOT NULL,
    end_date DATE NOT NULL,
    complete DATE DEFAULT NULL
-- 1 down
DROP TABLE todo_log;
DROP TABLE todo_item;
DROP TYPE todo_interval;