Demo a Live Web App on Bad Internet


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Live demos are the bane of professional speakers everywhere. Even the most well-prepared live demo can go wrong for unforeseeable reasons. This is a bad thing to happen while you're up on-stage in front of 300 people. Live demos of remote web apps are so fraught with peril that most people find other ways of presenting them. Screenshots can never fail, and local sandboxes won't fail on overloaded conference Internet connections. But what if we can't set up a local sandbox in time for our talk? What if our database is huge and complex? What if our app has animation and interactions that we can't show with screenshots?

What if we could record our use of a web application and then replay the stored responses at the right time? Lucky for us, it's easy to proxy HTTP, the protocol that web browsers and web servers use to communicate with each other. This means we can put an intermediary between our browser and the server to do whatever we want. Often caching does content filtering (corporate filters, parental filters). But caching data on a server closer to the user can speed up a website.

We're going to use a web proxy in a similar way: We'll cache our content and serve that cached data to our web browser. However, we're going to run our proxy on the same machine as our web browser. And, we're going to set it up to cache only the things that we want. This way we can run a live demo on an unstable connection.

Install and Configure Squid HTTP Proxy

First, we need to install and configure our proxy. I'm on a Mac, so I was able to install the Squid HTTP Proxy via Homebrew, a free package manager for MacOS.

For our live demo, we want to cache the application we are trying to demo and any other content the application needs. Anything else is unnecessary. To do this, Squid has Access Control Lists (ACLs). We configure an ACL with a list of domains that we should cache, and deny everything else. For maximum coverage, we should add both the host name and the IP addresses to the ACL. Since HTTP proxies are also used for DNS, most of the time the proxy is looking up the DNS records. But sometimes a browser already knows the IP and will just tell the proxy to get on with it.

So, here's our list of domains and IPs:

acl cacheDomain dstdomain
acl cacheDomain dstdomain
acl cacheDomain dstdomain
acl cacheDomain dstdomain
acl cacheDomain dstdomain

The first three domains are the applications that I'm running. The fourth is the IP address for that application server: All the domains are on the same machine. The last is CDNJS, the JavaScript CDN that I get my JavaScript from. In order for my application to work, I will need to cache all the JavaScript and CSS that I depend on from CDNJS.

Once we've listed what we want to cache, we can forbid any other domains from being cached:

cache deny !cacheDomain

Next, we should tell Squid where to put our cache and how much disk space to use. Homebrew's Squid configuration has a cache_dir line, commented out. We need to enable it and increase the disk space available to ensure that our data stays cached. When the disk space is used up, Squid starts deleting old cached data, which we can't have during our demo.

# Uncomment and adjust the following to add a disk cache directory.
cache_dir ufs /usr/local/var/cache/squid 1024 16 256

The first number at the end of the line is the cache size in MB, which I adjusted to 1024 (1 GB).

Finally, we should make sure that we can use Squid's management API, and that it's only open to the local machine. This should be the default, so look for these http_access lines, and add them if they don't exist.

# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost
http_access allow localhost manager
http_access deny manager

After allowing cache manager access from localhost, we should disable the cache manager password:

cachemgr_passwd none all

Now we're done with the configuration file. Our full configuration file is located here.

Now that we've configured our proxy, we can start it up. Homebrew says to do brew services start squid, but your platform may need something different. This gets the proxy started and waiting for requests. Next we need to configure our browser to use the proxy.

Configure your web browser

Configuring your web browser for an HTTP proxy depends on what browser you use and what OS you use. If you're using Chrome or Safari on MacOS, you can go to System Preferences to configure a proxy. However, if you're using Firefox, you can configure the browser to use a proxy, and leave the rest of the system alone. Other operating systems have other ways to configure proxies, and you should check your OS's documentation.

There are some good browser plugins for managing HTTP proxies, but unfortunately not for Safari or IE. If you're using Chrome, try Proxy SwitchyOmega. If you're using Firefox, use FoxyProxy Standard. These plugins make it easier to manage HTTP proxies.

Run through the demo to cache your content

Once you configure your proxy, you can run through your demo to test it. Do this on a good Internet connection. As you run through your demo, your browser asks its proxy to fetch all the demo's data. As your proxy does this, it caches it on disk. Since your computer is online, Squid will follow the caching rules that the web server asks it to. This means caching for a specific length of time, and possibly revalidating the data to see if it changed.

As we run through our demo, we should make sure that our cache is being used. The easiest way to do that is to read Squid's log. For my configuration, it was located at /usr/local/var/logs/access.log. Inside are lines that look like this:

1498020228.970    203 ::1 TCP_MISS/200 3653 GET - HIER_DIRECT/ text/html
1498020229.523    314 ::1 TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED/200 8130 GET - HIER_DIRECT/ application/json
1498020236.187   6945 ::1 TCP_MISS/200 148284 GET - HIER_DIRECT/ application/json
1498020240.783    186 ::1 TCP_MISS/200 6597 GET - HIER_DIRECT/ text/html

The important parts of this line are the URL and the status. TCP_MISS/200 means "this request was not in our cache, and the remote server returned a 200 OK HTTP response". TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED/200 means "this request was in our cache, but we refreshed it from the remote server which returned a 200 OK HTTP response". This is our cache building and refreshing itself because we're on a stable connection. Once we have some data in our cache, we'll start seeing things like this:

1498063273.261      0 ::1 TCP_INM_HIT/304 299 GET - HIER_NONE/- text/html
1498063281.831      0 ::1 TCP_MEM_HIT/200 8187 GET - HIER_NONE/- application/json
1498063298.103      0 ::1 TCP_MEM_HIT/200 8187 GET - HIER_NONE/- application/json
1498063300.473      8 ::1 TCP_MEM_HIT/200 154917 GET - HIER_NONE/- application/json

TCP_INM_HIT/304 means "The cache responded to this request with a 304 Not Modified response". The TCP_MEM_HIT/200 means "The cache responded to this request with a 200 OK HTTP response". These are what we want: The cache is serving responses, not the remote server.

Run Your Demo

Now that our cache is operating well on a stable connection, we can give our demo on an unstable one. First, we want to make sure that our cache does not try to access the remote server (Squid's "offline" mode). To do this, Squid has a management client called squidclient which we can use to toggle offline mode.

$ squidclient mgr:offline_toggle
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: squid/3.5.26
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2017 21:16:36 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
Expires: Tue, 04 Jul 2017 21:16:36 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 04 Jul 2017 21:16:36 GMT
X-Cache: MISS from gwen.local
Via: 1.1 gwen.local (squid/3.5.26)
Connection: close

offline_mode is now ON

Squid's offline mode minimizes attempts to get remote content. Since we cached all our content running through our demo, this means Squid will be serving our demo!

So now we can run our demo worry-free! All the remote content is served by the local machine, so it doesn't matter how good the conference wi-fi is. As long as stick to things we've already cached, our web application runs perfectly.
