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package Statocles::App::Blog;
our $VERSION = '0.094';
# ABSTRACT: A blog application
use Text::Unidecode;
use Statocles::Base 'Class';
use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptionsFromArray );
use Statocles::Document;
use Statocles::Page::Document;
use Statocles::Page::List;
use Statocles::Util qw( run_editor read_stdin );
with 'Statocles::App::Role::Store';
=attr store
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
store: _posts
The L<store directory path|Statocles::Store> to read for blog posts. Required.
The Blog directory is organized in a tree by date, with a directory for the
year, month, day, and post. Each blog post is its own directory to allow for
additional files for the post, like images or additional pages.
=attr tag_text
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
software: Posts about software and development
travel: My travelogue around the world!
A hash of tag and introductory Markdown that will be shown on the tag's main
page. Having a description is optional.
Using L<Beam::Wire's $config directive|Beam::Wire/Config Services>, you can
put the tag text in an external file:
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
$config: tags.yml
# tags.yml
software: |-
# Software
Posts about software development, mostly in [Perl](
travel: |-
# Travel
My travelogue around the world! [Also visit my Instagram!](
has tag_text => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
default => sub { {} },
=attr page_size
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
page_size: 5
The number of posts to put in a page (the main page and the tag pages). Defaults
to 5.
has page_size => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Int,
default => sub { 5 },
=attr index_tags
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
index_tags: [ '-private', '+important' ]
Filter the tags shown in the index page. An array of tags prefixed with either
a + or a -. By prefixing the tag with a "-", it will be removed from the index,
unless a later tag prefixed with a "+" also matches.
By default, all tags are shown on the index page.
So, given a document with tags "foo", and "bar":
index_tags: [ ] # document will be included
index_tags: [ '-foo' ] # document will not be included
index_tags: [ '-foo', '+bar' ] # document will be included
has index_tags => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ArrayRef[Str],
default => sub { [] },
=attr template_dir
The directory (inside the theme directory) to use for this app's templates.
Defaults to C<blog>.
has '+template_dir' => (
default => 'blog',
# A cache of the last set of post pages we have
# XXX: We need to allow apps to have a "clear" the way that Store and Theme do
has _post_pages => (
is => 'rw',
isa => ArrayRef,
predicate => '_has_cached_post_pages',
# The default post information hash
has _default_post => (
is => 'rw',
isa => HashRef,
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
tags => undef,
content => "Markdown content goes here.\n",
=method command
my $exitval = $app->command( $app_name, @args );
Run a command on this app. The app name is used to build the help, so
users get exactly what they need to run.
$name help -- This help file
$name post [--date YYYY-MM-DD] <title> -- Create a new blog post with the given title
sub command {
my ( $self, $name, @argv ) = @_;
if ( !$argv[0] ) {
say STDERR "ERROR: Missing command";
say STDERR eval "qq{$USAGE_INFO}";
return 1;
if ( $argv[0] eq 'help' ) {
say eval "qq{$USAGE_INFO}";
elsif ( $argv[0] eq 'post' ) {
my %opt;
my @doc_opts = qw(author layout status tags template);
GetOptionsFromArray( \@argv, \%opt,
map { "$_:s" } @doc_opts,
my $doc;
# Read post content on STDIN
if ( my $content = read_stdin() ) {
$doc = Statocles::Document->parse_content(
(map { defined $opt{$_} ? ( $_, $opt{$_} ) : () } @doc_opts),
( @argv > 1 ? ( title => join( " ", @argv[1..$#argv] ) ) : () ),
content => $content,
else {
$doc = Statocles::Document->new(
%{ $self->_default_post },
(map { defined $opt{$_} ? ( $_, $opt{$_} ) : () } @doc_opts),
( @argv > 1 ? ( title => join( " ", @argv[1..$#argv] ) ) : () ),
if ( !$ENV{EDITOR} && !$doc->title ) {
Title is required when \$EDITOR is not set.
Usage: $name post <title>
return 1;
my ( $year, $mon, $day );
if ( $opt{ date } ) {
( $year, $mon, $day ) = split /-/, $opt{date};
else {
( undef, undef, undef, $day, $mon, $year ) = localtime;
$year += 1900;
$mon += 1;
my @date_parts = (
sprintf( '%04i', $year ),
sprintf( '%02i', $mon ),
sprintf( '%02i', $day ),
my $slug = $self->make_slug( $doc->title || "new post" );
my @partsdir = (@date_parts, $slug);
my @partsfile = (@partsdir, "index.markdown");
my $path = Mojo::Path->new->parts(\@partsfile);
$self->store->write_file( $path => $doc );
my $full_path = $self->store->path->child( @partsfile );
if ( my $content = run_editor( $full_path ) ) {
my $old_title = $doc->title;
my $doc = Statocles::Document->parse_content(
path => $path.'',
store => $self->store,
content => $content,
if ( $doc->title ne $old_title ) {
$self->store->path->child( @partsdir )->remove_tree;
$slug = $self->make_slug( $doc->title || "new post" );
@partsdir = (@date_parts, $slug);
@partsfile = (@partsdir, "index.markdown");
$path = Mojo::Path->new->parts(\@partsfile);
$self->store->write_file( $path => $doc );
$full_path = $self->store->path->child( @partsfile );
say "New post at: $full_path";
else {
say STDERR qq{ERROR: Unknown command "$argv[0]"};
say STDERR eval "qq{$USAGE_INFO}";
return 1;
return 0;
=method make_slug
my $slug = $app->make_slug( $title );
Given a post title, remove special characters to create a slug.
sub make_slug {
my ( $self, $slug ) = @_;
$slug = unidecode($slug);
$slug =~ s/'//g;
$slug =~ s/[\W]+/-/g;
$slug =~ s/^-|-$//g;
return lc $slug;
=method index
my @pages = $app->index( \@post_pages );
Build the index page (a L<list page|Statocles::Page::List>) and all related
feed pages out of the given array reference of post pages.
my %FEEDS = (
rss => {
text => 'RSS',
template => 'index.rss',
atom => {
text => 'Atom',
template => 'index.atom',
sub index {
my ( $self, $all_post_pages ) = @_;
my @index_tags;
my %tag_flag;
for my $tag_spec ( map lc, @{ $self->index_tags } ) {
my $tag = substr $tag_spec, 1;
push @index_tags, $tag;
$tag_flag{$tag} = substr $tag_spec, 0, 1;
my @index_post_pages;
PAGE: for my $page ( @$all_post_pages ) {
my $page_flag = '+';
my %page_tags;
@page_tags{ map lc, @{ $page->document->tags } } = 1; # we use exists(), so value doesn't matter
for my $tag ( map lc, @index_tags ) {
if ( exists $page_tags{ $tag } ) {
$page_flag = $tag_flag{ $tag };
push @index_post_pages, $page if $page_flag eq '+';
my @pages = Statocles::Page::List->paginate(
after => $self->page_size,
path => $self->url( 'page/%i/index.html', 1 ),
index => $self->url( 'index.html' ),
pages => [ _sort_page_list( @index_post_pages ) ],
app => $self,
template => $self->template( 'index.html' ),
layout => $self->template( 'layout.html' ),
return unless @pages; # Only build feeds if we have pages
my $index = $pages[0];
my @feed_pages;
my @feed_links;
for my $feed ( sort keys %FEEDS ) {
my $page = Statocles::Page::List->new(
app => $self,
pages => $index->pages,
path => $self->url( 'index.' . $feed ),
template => $self->template( $FEEDS{$feed}{template} ),
links => {
alternate => [
href => $index->path,
title => 'index',
type => $index->type,
push @feed_pages, $page;
push @feed_links, $self->link(
text => $FEEDS{ $feed }{ text },
href => $page->path.'',
type => $page->type,
# Add the feeds to all the pages
for my $page ( @pages ) {
$page->links( feed => @feed_links );
return ( @pages, @feed_pages );
=method tag_pages
my @pages = $app->tag_pages( \%tag_pages );
Get L<pages|Statocles::Page> for the tags in the given blog post documents
(build from L<the post_pages method|/post_pages>, including relevant feed
sub tag_pages {
my ( $self, $tagged_docs ) = @_;
my @pages;
for my $tag ( keys %$tagged_docs ) {
my $tagroot = $self->url( join "/", 'tag', $self->_tag_url( $tag ) );
my @tag_pages = Statocles::Page::List->paginate(
after => $self->page_size,
path => join( "/", $tagroot, 'page/%i/index.html' ),
index => join( "/", $tagroot, 'index.html' ),
pages => [ _sort_page_list( @{ $tagged_docs->{ $tag } } ) ],
app => $self,
template => $self->template( 'index.html' ),
layout => $self->template( 'layout.html' ),
data => {
tag => $tag,
tag_text => $self->tag_text->{ $tag },
my $index = $tag_pages[0];
my @feed_pages;
my @feed_links;
for my $feed ( sort keys %FEEDS ) {
my $tag_file = $self->_tag_url( $tag ) . '.' . $feed;
my $page = Statocles::Page::List->new(
app => $self,
pages => $index->pages,
path => $self->url( join( "/", 'tag', $tag_file ) ),
template => $self->template( $FEEDS{$feed}{template} ),
links => {
alternate => [
href => $index->path,
title => $tag,
type => $index->type,
push @feed_pages, $page;
push @feed_links, $self->link(
text => $FEEDS{ $feed }{ text },
href => $page->path.'',
type => $page->type,
# Add the feeds to all the pages
for my $page ( @tag_pages ) {
$page->links( feed => @feed_links );
push @pages, @tag_pages, @feed_pages;
return @pages;
=method pages
my @pages = $app->pages( %options );
Get all the L<pages|Statocles::Page> for this application. Available options
=over 4
=item date
The date to build for. Only posts on or before this date will be built.
Defaults to the current date.
# sub pages
around pages => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, %opt ) = @_;
$opt{date} ||= DateTime::Moonpig->now( time_zone => 'local' )->ymd;
my $root = $self->url_root;
my $is_dated_path = qr{^$root/?(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})/};
my @parent_pages = $self->$orig( %opt );
my @pages =
map { $_->[0] }
# Only pages today or before
grep { $_->[1] le $opt{date} }
# Create the page's date
map { [ $_, join "-", $_->path =~ $is_dated_path ] }
# Only dated pages
grep { $_->path =~ $is_dated_path }
#$self->$orig( %opt );
@pages = _sort_page_list( @pages );
my @post_pages;
my %tag_pages;
for my $page ( @pages ) {
if ( $page->isa( 'Statocles::Page::Document' ) ) {
if ( $page->path =~ m{$is_dated_path [^/]+ (?:/index)? [.]html$}x ) {
my ( $year, $month, $day ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
push @post_pages, $page;
my $doc = $page->document;
$page->date( $doc->has_date ? $doc->date : DateTime::Moonpig->new( year => $year, month => $month, day => $day ) );
my @tags;
for my $tag ( @{ $doc->tags } ) {
push @{ $tag_pages{ lc $tag } }, $page;
push @tags, $self->link(
text => $tag,
href => join( "/", 'tag', $self->_tag_url( $tag ), '' ),
$page->tags( \@tags );
$page->template( $self->template( 'post.html' ) );
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @post_pages; $i++ ) {
my $page = $post_pages[$i];
my $prev_page = $i ? $post_pages[$i-1] : undef;
my $next_page = $post_pages[$i+1];
$page->prev_page( $prev_page ) if $prev_page;
$page->next_page( $next_page ) if $next_page;
# Cache the post pages for this build
# XXX: This needs to be handled more intelligently with proper dependencies
$self->_post_pages( \@post_pages );
my @all_pages = ( $self->index( \@post_pages ), $self->tag_pages( \%tag_pages ), @pages );
return @all_pages;
=method tags
my @links = $app->tags;
Get a set of L<link objects|Statocles::Link> suitable for creating a list of
tag links. The common attributes are:
text => 'The tag text'
href => 'The URL to the tag page'
sub tags {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my %tags;
my @pages = @{ $self->_post_pages || [] };
for my $page ( @pages ) {
for my $tag ( @{ $page->document->tags } ) {
$tags{ lc $tag } ||= $tag;
return map {; $self->link( text => $_, href => join( "/", 'tag', $self->_tag_url( $_ ), '' ) ) }
map { $tags{ $_ } }
sort keys %tags;
sub _tag_url {
my ( $self, $tag ) = @_;
return lc $self->make_slug( $tag );
=method recent_posts
my @pages = $app->recent_posts( $count, %filter );
Get the last $count recent posts for this blog. Useful for templates and site
index pages.
%filter is an optional set of filters to apply to only show recent posts
matching the given criteria. The following filters are available:
=over 4
=item tags
(string) Only show posts with the given tag
sub recent_posts {
my ( $self, $count, %filter ) = @_;
my $root = $self->url_root;
my @pages = $self->_has_cached_post_pages ? @{ $self->_post_pages } : $self->pages;
my @found_pages;
PAGE: for my $page ( @pages ) {
next PAGE unless $page->path =~ qr{^$root/?(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})/[^/]+(?:/index)?[.]html$};
QUERY: for my $attr ( keys %filter ) {
my $value = $filter{ $attr };
if ( $attr eq 'tags' ) {
next PAGE unless grep { $_ eq $value } @{ $page->document->tags };
push @found_pages, $page;
last if @found_pages >= $count;
return @found_pages;
=method page_url
my $url = $app->page_url( $page )
Return the absolute URL to this L<page object|Statocles::Page>, removing the
"/index.html" if necessary.
# XXX This is TERRIBLE. We need to do this better. Perhaps a "url()" helper in the
# template? And a full_url() helper? Or perhaps the template knows whether it should
# use absolute (/whatever) or full ( URLs?
sub page_url {
my ( $self, $page ) = @_;
my $url = "".$page->path;
$url =~ s{/index[.]html$}{/};
return $url;
#=sub _sort_list
# my @sorted_pages = _sort_page_list( @unsorted_pages );
# Sort a list of blog post pages into buckets according to the date
# component of their path, and then sort the buckets according to the
# date field in the document.
# This allows a user to order the posts in a single day themselves,
# predictably and consistently.
sub _sort_page_list {
return map { $_->[0] }
sort { $b->[1] cmp $a->[1] || $b->[2] cmp $a->[2] }
map { [ $_, $_->path =~ m{/(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2})}, $_->date ] }
This is a simple blog application for Statocles.
=item *
Content dividers. By dividing your main content with "---", you create
sections. Only the first section will show up on the index page or in RSS
=item *
RSS and Atom syndication feeds.
=item *
Tags to organize blog posts. Tags have their own custom feeds so users can
subscribe to only those posts they care about.
=item *
Cross-post links to redirect users to a syndicated blog. Useful when you
participate in many blogs and want to drive traffic to them.
=item *
Post-dated blog posts to appear automatically when the date is passed. If a
blog post is set in the future, it will not be added to the site when running
C<build> or C<deploy>.
In order to ensure that post-dated blogs get added, you may want to run
C<deploy> in a nightly cron job.
=head2 post
post [--date <date>] <title>
Create a new blog post, optionally setting an initial C<title>. The post will be
created in a directory according to the current date.
Initial post content can be read from C<STDIN>. This lets you write other programs
to generate content for blog posts (for example, to help automate release blog posts).
=head1 THEME
=item index.html
The index page template. Gets the following template variables:
=item site
The L<Statocles::Site> object.
=item pages
An array reference containing all the blog post pages. Each page is a hash reference with the following keys:
=item content
The post content
=item title
The post title
=item author
The post author
=item post.html
The main post page template. Gets the following template variables:
=item site
The L<Statocles::Site> object
=item content
The post content
=item title
The post title
=item author
The post author
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item L<Statocles::App>