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package Statocles::App::Perldoc;
our $VERSION = '0.094';
# ABSTRACT: Render documentation for Perl modules

use Statocles::Base 'Class';
use Statocles::Page::Plain;
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use Pod::Simple::Search;
use Pod::Simple::XHTML;
with 'Statocles::App';

=attr inc

The directories to search for modules. Defaults to @INC.


has inc => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => ArrayRef[Path],
    # We can't check for existence, because @INC might contain nonexistent
    # directories (I think)
    default => sub { [ @INC ] },
    coerce => sub {
        my ( $args ) = @_;
        return [ map { Path::Tiny->new( $_ ) } @$args ];

=attr modules

The root modules to find. Required. All child modules will be included. Any module that does
not start with one of these strings will not be included.


has modules => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => ArrayRef[Str],
    required => 1,

=attr index_module

The module to use for the index page. Required.


has index_module => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => Str,
    required => 1,

=attr weave

If true, run the POD through L<Pod::Weaver> before converting to HTML


has weave => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => Bool,
    default => sub { 0 },

=attr weave_config

The path to the Pod::Weaver configuration file


has weave_config => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => Path,
    default => sub { './weaver.ini' },
    coerce => Path->coercion,

=attr template_dir

The directory (inside the theme directory) to use for this app's templates.
Defaults to C<blog>.


has '+template_dir' => (
    default => 'perldoc',

=method pages

    my @pages = $app->pages;

Render the requested modules as HTML. Returns an array of L<Statocles::Page> objects.


sub pages {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @dirs = map { "$_" } @{ $self->inc };
    my $pod_base = '';

    my %modules;
    for my $glob ( @{ $self->modules } ) {
        %modules = (
            %{ Pod::Simple::Search->new->inc(0)->limit_re( qr{^$glob} )->survey( @dirs ) },

        # Also check for exact matches, for strange extensions
        for my $dir ( @dirs ) {
            my @glob_parts = split /::/, $glob;
            my $path = Path::Tiny->new( $dir, @glob_parts );
            if ( $path->is_file ) {
                $modules{ $glob } = "$path";

    #; use Data::Dumper;
    #; say Dumper \%modules;

    my @pages;
    for my $module ( keys %modules ) {

        my $path = $modules{ $module };
        #; use Data::Dumper;
        #; say Dumper $path;

        # Weave the POD before trying to make HTML
        my $pod = $self->weave
                ? $self->_weave_module( $path )
                : Path::Tiny->new( $path )->slurp

        my $parser = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new;
        $parser->perldoc_url_prefix( $pod_base );
        $parser->$_('') for qw( html_header html_footer );
        $parser->output_string( \(my $parser_output) );
        $parser->parse_string_document( $pod );
        #; say $parser_output;

        my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $parser_output );
        for my $node ( $dom->find( 'a[href]' )->each ) {
            my $href = $node->attr( 'href' );

            # Rewrite links for modules that we will be serving locally
            if ( grep { $href =~ /^$pod_base$_/ } @{ $self->modules } ) {
                my ( $module, $section ) = $href =~ /^$pod_base([^#]+)(?:\#(.*))?$/;
                my $url = $self->url( $self->_module_href( $module ) );
                $node->attr( href => $section ? join( "#", $url, $section ) : $url );
            # Add rel="external" for remaining external links
            elsif ( $href =~ m{(?:[^:]+:)?//} ) {
                $node->attr( rel => 'external' );


        my $source_path = "$module/source.html";
        $source_path =~ s{::}{/}g;

        my ( @parts ) = split m{::}, $module;
        my @crumbtrail;
        for my $i ( 0..$#parts ) {
            my $trail_module = join "::", @parts[0..$i];
            if ( $modules{ $trail_module } ) {
                push @crumbtrail, {
                    text => $parts[ $i ],
                    href => $self->url( $self->_module_href( $trail_module ) ),
            else {
                push @crumbtrail, {
                    text => $parts[ $i ],

        my %page_args = (
            layout => $self->template( 'layout.html' ),
            template => $self->template( 'pod.html' ),
            title => $module,
            content => "$dom",
            app => $self,
            path => $self->_module_href( $module ),
            data => {
                source_path => $self->url( $source_path ),
                crumbtrail => \@crumbtrail,

        if ( $module eq $self->index_module ) {
            unshift @pages, Statocles::Page::Plain->new( %page_args );
	          $self->_highlight_page( $pages[0], 'pre > code' );
        else {
            push @pages, Statocles::Page::Plain->new( %page_args );
	          $self->_highlight_page( $pages[-1], 'pre > code' );

        # Add the source as a text file
        push @pages, Statocles::Page::Plain->new(
            path => $source_path,
            layout => $self->template( 'layout.html' ),
            template => $self->template( 'source.html' ),
            title => "$module (source)",
            content => Path::Tiny->new( $path )->slurp,
            app => $self,
            data => {
                doc_path => $self->url( $page_args{path} ),
                crumbtrail => \@crumbtrail,
        # unable to highlight source as source.html.ep uses <%== %> to escape html.
        # $self->_highlight_page( $pages[-1], 'pre' );

    return @pages;

sub _highlight_page {
  my ( $self, $page, $sel ) = @_;
  # highlight only if site-wide highlighting is available
  return unless my $hl = $page->site->plugins->{highlight};
  # this add the highlight stylesheet to $page->links (template logic)
  $hl->highlight({page => $page}, Perl => '');
  # $page->dom calls $page->render 'set/making fast' links in the dom.
  my $codes = $page->dom->find($sel);
  if ($codes->first) {
    for my $node ($codes->each) {
      my $parent = $node->tag eq 'code' ? $node->parent : $node;
      $parent->replace($hl->highlight({}, Perl => $node->text));
  } else {
    # remove if not used. path from Statocles::Plugin::Highlight#L159
      ->each(sub { $_->remove });

  return $page;

sub _module_href {
    my ( $self, $module ) = @_;
    if ( $module eq $self->index_module ) {
        return '/index.html';

    my $page_url = "$module/index.html";
    $page_url =~ s{::}{/}g;
    return $page_url;

# Run Pod::Weaver on the POD in the given path
sub _weave_module {
    my ( $self, $path ) = @_;

    # Oh... My... GOD...
    my %errors;
    if ( !eval { require Pod::Weaver; 1; } ) {
        $errors{ 'Pod::Weaver' } = $@;
    if ( !eval { require PPI; 1; } ) {
        $errors{ 'PPI' } = $@;
    if ( !eval { require Pod::Elemental; 1; } ) {
        $errors{ 'Pod::Elemental' } = $@;
    if ( !eval { require Encode; 1; } ) {
        $errors{ 'Encode' } = $@;

    # Pod::Weaver 4.014 shipped with a bug that causes problems unless
    # we have a LEGAL section, which we do not presently allow users to
    # set. So warn them to upgrade if they have this version
    if ( defined($Pod::Weaver::VERSION) and $Pod::Weaver::VERSION == 4.014 ) {
        $errors{ 'Pod::Weaver' } = q{Pod::Weaver version 4.014 has a bug that will cause a fatal error when a LEGAL section isn't available. Please upgrade to version 4.015 or later.};

    if ( keys %errors ) {
        die "Cannot weave POD: Error loading modules "
            . join( "\n", map { "$_: $errors{$_}" } keys %errors )

    # Check for a config and give a friendly error message if missing.
    # The default exception thrown by a missing config is very difficult
    # to understand out of context
    if ( !$self->weave_config->parent->child( 'weaver.ini' )->is_file ) {
        die sprintf q{Cannot find Pod::Weaver config in "%s". Missing "weaver.ini" file?},

    my $perl_utf8 = Encode::encode( 'utf-8', Path::Tiny->new( $path )->slurp, Encode::FB_CROAK );
    my $ppi_document = PPI::Document->new( \$perl_utf8 ) or die PPI::Document->errstr;

    ### Copy/paste from Pod::Elemental::PerlMunger
    my $code_elems = $ppi_document->find(
        sub {
                if grep { $_[ 1 ]->isa( "PPI::Token::$_" ) }
                qw(Comment Pod Whitespace Separator Data End);
            return 1;

    $code_elems ||= [];
    my @pod_tokens;

    my @queue = $ppi_document->children;
    while ( my $element = shift @queue ) {
        if ( $element->isa( 'PPI::Token::Pod' ) ) {
            # save the text for use in building the Pod-only document
            push @pod_tokens, "$element";

        if ( blessed $element && $element->isa( 'PPI::Node' ) ) {
            # Depth-first keeps the queue size down
            unshift @queue, $element->children;

    ## Check for any problems, like POD inside of heredoc or strings
    my $finder = sub {
        my $node = $_[ 1 ];
        return 0
            unless grep { $node->isa( $_ ) }
        qw( PPI::Token::Quote PPI::Token::QuoteLike PPI::Token::HereDoc );
        return 1 if $node->content =~ /^=[a-z]/m;
        return 0;

    if ( $ppi_document->find_first( $finder ) ) {
        warn "can't invoke Pod::Weaver on '$path': There is POD in string literals";
        return '';

    my $pod_str = join "\n", @pod_tokens;
    my $pod_document = Pod::Elemental->read_string( $pod_str );


    my $weaved_doc;
    eval {
        my $weaver = Pod::Weaver->new_from_config(
            { root => $self->weave_config->parent->stringify },
        $weaved_doc = $weaver->weave_document({
            pod_document => $pod_document,
            ppi_document => $ppi_document,

    if ( $@ ) {
        die sprintf q{Error weaving POD for path "%s": %s}, $path, $@;


    my $pod_text = $weaved_doc->as_pod_string;

    #; say $pod_text;
    return $pod_text;



This application generates HTML from the POD in the requested modules.
