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package Statocles::Base;
our $VERSION = '0.094';
# ABSTRACT: Base module for Statocles modules

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Import::Base';

    sub {
        # Disable spurious warnings on platforms that Net::DNS::Native does not
        # support. We don't use this much mojo
        $ENV{MOJO_NO_NDN} = 1;
    strict => [],
    warnings => [],
    feature => [qw( :5.10 )],
    'Path::Tiny' => [qw( rootdir cwd )],

my @class_modules = (
    'Types::Standard' => [qw( :all )],
    'Types::Path::Tiny' => [qw( Path AbsPath Dir )],
    'Statocles::Types' => [qw( :all )],

    Test => [
        sub { warn 'Bundle Test deprecated and will be removed in v1.000, do not use'; return },
        qw( Test::More Test::Deep Test::Differences Test::Exception ),
        'Dir::Self' => [qw( __DIR__ )],
        'Path::Tiny' => [qw( path tempdir cwd )],
        'Statocles::Test' => [qw(
            test_constructor test_pages build_test_site build_test_site_apps
        'Statocles::Types' => [qw( DateTimeObj )],
        sub { $Statocles::VERSION ||= 0.001; return }, # Set version normally done via dzil

    Class => [

    Role => [

    Command => [
        'Getopt::Long' => [qw( GetOptionsFromArray )],
        sub {
            my ( $bundles, $args ) = @_;
            $args->{package}->can( 'extends' )->( 'Statocles::Command' );

    Emitter => [
        sub {
            my ( $bundles, $args ) = @_;
            Moo::Role->apply_roles_to_package( $args->{package}, 'Beam::Emitter' );



    package MyModule;
    use Statocles::Base;

    use Statocles::Base 'Class';
    use Statocles::Base 'Role';


This is the base module that all Statocles modules should use.

=head1 MODULES

This module always imports the following into your namespace:


=item L<Statocles>

The base module is imported to make sure that L<File::Share> can find the right
share directory.

=item L<strict>

=item L<warnings>

=item L<feature>

Currently the 5.10 feature bundle

=item L<Path::Tiny> qw( path rootdir )

We do a lot of work with the filesystem.

=item L<DateTime::Moonpig>


=head1 BUNDLES

The following bundles are available. You may import one or more of these by name.

=head2 Class

The class bundle makes your package into a class and includes:

=over 4

=item L<Moo>

=item L<Types::Standard> ':all'

=item L<Types::Path::Tiny> ':all'

=item L<Statocles::Types> ':all'


=head2 Role

The role bundle makes your package into a role and includes:

=over 4

=item L<Moo::Role>

=item L<Types::Standard> ':all'

=item L<Types::Path::Tiny> ':all'

=item L<Statocles::Types> ':all'


=head1 SEE ALSO


=item L<Import::Base>
