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package Statocles::Deploy::Git;
our $VERSION = '0.094';
# ABSTRACT: Deploy a site to a Git repository
use Statocles::Base 'Class';
extends 'Statocles::Deploy::File';
use Git::Repository;
=attr path
The path to deploy to. Must be the root of the Git repository, or a directory
inside of the Git repository.
=attr branch
The Git branch to deploy to. Defaults to "master". If you're building a Github Pages
site for a project, you probably want to use the "gh-pages" branch.
has branch => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
default => sub { 'master' },
=attr remote
The name of the remote to deploy to. Defaults to 'origin'.
has remote => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
default => sub { 'origin' },
=method deploy
my @paths = $deploy->deploy( $source_path, %options );
Deploy the site, copying from the given source path.
Possible options are:
=over 4
=item clean
Remove all the current contents of the deploy directory before copying the
new content.
=item message
An optional commit message to use. Defaults to a generic message.
around 'deploy' => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, $source_path, %options ) = @_;
$source_path = Path->coercion->( $source_path );
my $deploy_dir = $self->path;
# Find the repository root
my $root = Path::Tiny->new( "$deploy_dir" ); # clone
until ( $root->child( '.git' )->exists || $root->is_rootdir ) {
$root = $root->parent;
if ( !$root->child( '.git' )->exists ) {
die qq{Deploy path "$deploy_dir" is not in a git repository\n};
my $rel_path = $deploy_dir->relative( $root );
#; say "Relative: $rel_path";
my $git = Git::Repository->new( work_tree => "$root" );
my $current_branch = _git_current_branch( $git );
if ( !$current_branch ) {
die qq{Repository has no branches. Please create a commit before deploying\n};
# Switch to the right branch
if ( !_git_has_branch( $git, $self->branch ) ) {
#; say "Creating new branch: " . $self->branch;
# Create a new, orphan branch
# Orphan branches were introduced in git 1.7.2
$self->site->log->info( sprintf 'Creating deploy branch "%s"', $self->branch );
$self->_run( $git, checkout => '--orphan', $self->branch );
$self->_run( $git, 'rm', '-r', '-f', '.' );
else {
#; say "Switching branches to " . $self->branch;
$self->_run( $git, checkout => $self->branch );
if ( $options{ clean } ) {
if ( $current_branch eq $self->branch ) {
die "--clean on the same branch as deploy will destroy all content. Stopping.\n";
$self->site->log->info( sprintf 'Cleaning old content in branch "%s"', $self->branch );
$self->_run( $git, 'rm', '-r', '-f', '.' );
delete $options{ clean };
# Copy the files
$self->$orig( $source_path, %options );
# Check to see which files were changed
# --porcelain was added in 1.7.0
my @status_lines = $git->run(
status => '--porcelain', '--ignore-submodules', '--untracked-files',
my %in_status;
for my $line ( @status_lines ) {
my ( $status, $path ) = $line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(.+)$/;
$in_status{ $path } = $status;
#; use Data::Dumper;
#; say Dumper \%in_status;
# Commit the files
my @files = map { $_->[0] }
grep { $source_path->child( $_->[1] )->exists }
map { [ $_, Path::Tiny->new( $_ )->relative( $rel_path ) ] }
keys %in_status;
#; say "Files to commit: " . join "; ", @files;
if ( @files ) {
$self->site->log->info( sprintf 'Deploying %d changed files', scalar @files );
$self->_run( $git, add => @files );
$self->_run( $git, commit => -m => $options{message} || "Site update" );
else {
$self->site->log->warn( 'No files changed' );
if ( _git_has_remote( $git, $self->remote ) ) {
$self->_run( $git, push => $self->remote => $self->branch );
else {
sprintf 'Git remote "%s" does not exist. Not pushing.', $self->remote,
# Tidy up
$self->_run( $git, checkout => $current_branch );
# Run the given git command on the given git repository, logging the
# command for those running in debug mode
sub _run {
my ( $self, $git, @args ) = @_;
$self->site->log->debug( "Running git command: " . join " ", @args );
return _git_run( $git, @args );
sub _git_run {
my ( $git, @args ) = @_;
my $cmdline = join " ", 'git', @args;
my $cmd = $git->command( @args );
my $stdout = join( "\n", readline( $cmd->stdout ) ) // '';
my $stderr = join( "\n", readline( $cmd->stderr ) ) // '';
my $exit = $cmd->exit;
if ( $exit ) {
die "git $args[0] exited with $exit\n\n-- CMD --\n$cmdline\n\n-- STDOUT --\n$stdout\n\n-- STDERR --\n$stderr\n";
return $cmd->exit;
sub _git_current_branch {
my ( $git ) = @_;
my @branches = map { s/^\*\s+//; $_ } grep { /^\*/ } $git->run( 'branch' );
return $branches[0];
sub _git_has_branch {
my ( $git, $branch ) = @_;
return !!grep { $_ eq $branch } map { s/^[\*\s]\s+//; $_ } $git->run( 'branch' );
sub _git_has_remote {
my ( $git, $remote ) = @_;
return !!grep { $_ eq $remote } map { s/^[\*\s]\s+//; $_ } $git->run( 'remote' );
sub _git_version {
my $output = `git --version`;
my ( $git_version ) = $output =~ /git version (\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)/;
return unless $git_version;
my $v = sprintf '%i.%03i%03i', split /[.]/, $git_version;
return $v;
This class allows a site to be deployed to a Git repository.
This class consumes L<Statocles::Deploy|Statocles::Deploy>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item L<Statocles::Deploy>