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package Statocles::Page::Plain;
our $VERSION = '0.094';
# ABSTRACT: A plain page (with templates)
use Statocles::Base 'Class';
with 'Statocles::Page';
=attr content
The content of the page, already rendered to HTML.
has _content => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
required => 1,
init_arg => 'content',
=method content
my $html = $page->content;
Get the content for this page.
sub content {
return $_[0]->_content;
my $page = Statocles::Page::Plain->new(
path => '/path/to/page.html',
content => '...',
my $js = Statocles::Page::Plain->new(
path => '/js/app.js',
content => '...',
This L<Statocles::Page> contains any content you want to put in it, while still
allowing for templates and layout. This is useful when you generate HTML (or
anything else) outside of Statocles.