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package Statocles::Theme;
our $VERSION = '0.094';
# ABSTRACT: Templates, headers, footers, and navigation
use Statocles::Base 'Class';
use File::Share qw( dist_dir );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use Statocles::Template;
with 'Statocles::App::Role::Store';
=attr url_root
The root URL for this application. Defaults to C</theme>.
has '+url_root' => ( default => sub { '/theme' } );
=attr store
The source L<store|Statocles::Store> for this theme.
If the path begins with ::, will pull one of the Statocles default
themes from the Statocles share directory.
=attr include_stores
An array of L<stores|Statocles::Store> to look for includes. The L</store> is
added at the end of this list.
has include_stores => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ArrayRef[StoreType],
default => sub { [] },
coerce => sub {
my ( $thing ) = @_;
if ( ref $thing eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return [ map { StoreType->coercion->( $_ ) } @$thing ];
return [ StoreType->coercion->( $thing ) ];
=attr _templates
The cached template objects for this theme.
has '+_templates' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[InstanceOf['Statocles::Template']],
default => sub { {} },
lazy => 1, # Must be lazy or the clearer won't re-init the default
clearer => '_clear_templates',
=attr _includes
The cached template objects for the includes.
has _includes => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[InstanceOf['Statocles::Template']],
default => sub { {} },
lazy => 1, # Must be lazy or the clearer won't re-init the default
clearer => '_clear_includes',
# The helpers added to this theme.
has _helpers => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[CodeRef],
default => sub { {} },
init_arg => 'helpers', # Allow initialization via config file
Handle the path :: share theme.
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, @args ) = @_;
my $args = $self->$orig( @args );
if ( $args->{store} && !ref $args->{store} && $args->{store} =~ /^::/ ) {
my $name = substr $args->{store}, 2;
$args->{store} = Path::Tiny->new( dist_dir( 'Statocles' ) )->child( 'theme', $name );
return $args;
=method read
my $tmpl = $theme->read( $path )
Read the template for the given C<path> and create the
L<template|Statocles::Template> object.
sub read {
my ( $self, $path ) = @_;
$path .= '.ep';
my $content = eval { $self->store->path->child( $path )->slurp_utf8; };
if ( $@ ) {
if ( blessed $@ && $@->isa( 'Path::Tiny::Error' ) && $@->{op} =~ /^open/ ) {
die sprintf 'ERROR: Template "%s" does not exist in theme directory "%s"' . "\n",
$path, $self->store->path;
else {
die $@;
return $self->build_template( $path, $content );
=method build_template
my $tmpl = $theme->build_template( $path, $content )
Build a new L<Statocles::Template> object with the given C<path> and C<content>.
sub build_template {
my ( $self, $path, $content ) = @_;
return Statocles::Template->new(
path => $path,
content => $content,
theme => $self,
=method template
my $tmpl = $theme->template( $path )
my $tmpl = $theme->template( @path_parts )
Get the L<template|Statocles::Template> at the given C<path>, or with the
given C<path_parts>.
sub template {
my ( $self, @path ) = @_;
my $path = Path::Tiny->new( @path );
return $self->_templates->{ $path } ||= $self->read( $path );
=method include
my $tmpl = $theme->include( $path );
my $tmpl = $theme->include( @path_parts );
Get the desired L<template|Statocles::Template> to include based on the given
C<path> or C<path_parts>. Looks through all the
L<include_stores|/include_stores> before looking in the L<main store|/store>.
sub include {
my ( $self, @path ) = @_;
my $render = 1;
if ( $path[0] eq '-raw' ) {
# Allow raw files to not be passed through the template renderer
# This override flag will always exist, but in the future we may
# add better detection to possible file types to process
$render = 0;
shift @path;
my $path = Path::Tiny->new( @path );
my @stores = ( @{ $self->include_stores }, $self->store );
for my $store ( @stores ) {
if ( $store->has_file( $path ) ) {
if ( $render ) {
return $self->_includes->{ $path } ||= $self->build_template(
$path, $store->path->child( $path )->slurp_utf8,
return $store->path->child( $path )->slurp_utf8;
die qq{Can not find include "$path" in include directories: }
. join( ", ", map { sprintf q{"%s"}, $_->path } @stores )
. "\n";
=method helper
$theme->helper( $name, $sub );
Register a helper on this theme. Helpers are functions that are added to
the template to allow for additional features. Helpers are usually added
by L<Statocles plugins|Statocles::Plugin>.
There are a L<default set of helpers available to all
templates|Statocles::Template/DEFAULT HELPERS> which cannot be
overridden by this method.
sub helper {
my ( $self, $name, $sub ) = @_;
$self->_helpers->{ $name } = $sub;
=method clear
Clear out the cached templates and includes. Used by the daemon when it
detects a change to the theme files.
sub clear {
my ( $self ) = @_;
=method pages
Get the extra, non-template files to deploy with the rest of the site, like CSS,
JavaScript, and images.
Templates, files that end in C<.ep>, will not be deployed with the rest of the
around pages => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, %args ) = @_;
my @pages = $self->$orig( %args );
return grep { $_->path !~ /[.]ep$/ } @pages;
# Template directory layout
my $theme = Statocles::Theme->new( store => '/theme' );
my $layout = $theme->template( qw( site include layout.html ) );
my $blog_index = $theme->template( blog => 'index.html' );
my $blog_post = $theme->template( 'blog/post.html' );
# Clear out cached templates and includes
A Theme contains all the L<templates|Statocles::Template> that
L<applications|Statocles::App> need. This class handles finding and parsing
files into L<template objects|Statocles::Template>.
When the L</store> is read, the templates inside are organized based on
their name and their parent directory.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item L<Statocles::Help::Theme>
=item L<Statocles::Template>