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package Statocles::Util;
our $VERSION = '0.094';
# ABSTRACT: Various utility functions to reduce dependencies
use Statocles::Base;
use Exporter 'import';
use Mojo::JSON qw( to_json );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
trim dircopy run_editor uniq_by derp read_stdin
=sub trim
my $trimmed = trim $untrimmed;
Trim the leading and trailing whitespace from the given scalar.
sub trim(_) {
return $_[0] if !$_[0];
$_[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$_[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
return $_[0];
=sub dircopy
dircopy $source, $destination;
Copy everything in $source to $destination, recursively.
sub dircopy($$) {
my ( $source, $destination ) = @_;
$source = Path::Tiny->new( $source );
$destination = Path::Tiny->new( $destination );
my $iter = $source->iterator({ recurse => 1 });
while ( my $thing = $iter->() ) {
my $relative = $thing->relative( $source );
if ( $thing->is_dir ) {
mkdir $destination->child( $relative );
else {
$thing->copy( $destination->child( $relative ) );
=sub run_editor
my $content = run_editor( $path );
Invoke the user's text editor (from the C<EDITOR> environment variable)
to edit the given path. Returns the content if the editor was invoked,
or C<undef> C<EDITOR> was not set. If the editor was not able to be
invoked (C<EDITOR> was set but could not be run), an exception is
sub run_editor {
my ( $path ) = @_;
return undef unless $ENV{EDITOR};
no warnings 'exec'; # We're checking everything ourselves
# use string "system" as env-vars need to quote to protect from spaces
# therefore, we quote path, then append it
system $ENV{EDITOR} . qq{ "$path"};
if ($? != 0) {
die sprintf qq{Editor "%s" exited with error (non-zero) status: %d\n}, $ENV{EDITOR}, $?;
return $path->slurp_utf8;
=sub uniq_by
my @uniq_links = uniq_by { $_->href } @links;
Filter a list into its unique items based on the result of the passed-in block.
This lets us get unique links from their C<href> attribute.
sub uniq_by(&@) {
my ( $sub, @list ) = @_;
my ( %found, @out );
for my $i ( @list ) {
local $_ = $i;
push @out, $i if !$found{ $sub->() }++;
return @out;
=sub derp
derp "This feature is deprecated in file '%s'", $file;
Print out a deprecation message as a warning. A message will only be
printed once for each set of arguments.
our %DERPED;
sub derp(@) {
my @args = @_;
my $key = to_json \@args;
return if $DERPED{ $key };
if ( $args[0] !~ /\.$/ ) {
$args[0] .= '.';
warn sprintf( $args[0], @args[1..$#args] ). " See Statocles::Help::Upgrading\n";
$DERPED{ $key } = 1;
=sub read_stdin
my $test = read_stdin();
Reads the standard input. Intended to provide a point to monkey-patch
for tests.
sub read_stdin {
if ( !-t *STDIN && !-z _ ) {
my $content = do { local $/; <STDIN> };
# Re-open STDIN as the TTY so that the editor (vim) can use it
# XXX Is this also a problem on Windows?
if ( -e '/dev/tty' ) {
close STDIN;
open STDIN, '/dev/tty';
return $content;
use Statocles::Util qw( dircopy );
dircopy $source, $destination;
This module contains some utility functions to help reduce non-core dependencies.