Statocles::App::Blog - A blog application
This is a simple blog application for Statocles.
Content dividers. By dividing your main content with "---", you create sections. Only the first section will show up on the index page or in RSS feeds.
RSS and Atom syndication feeds.
Tags to organize blog posts. Tags have their own custom feeds so users can subscribe to only those posts they care about.
Cross-post links to redirect users to a syndicated blog. Useful when you participate in many blogs and want to drive traffic to them.
Post-dated blog posts to appear automatically when the date is passed. If a blog post is set in the future, it will not be added to the site when running
.In order to ensure that post-dated blogs get added, you may want to run
in a nightly cron job.
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
store: _posts
The store directory path to read for blog posts. Required.
The Blog directory is organized in a tree by date, with a directory for the year, month, day, and post. Each blog post is its own directory to allow for additional files for the post, like images or additional pages.
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
software: Posts about software and development
travel: My travelogue around the world!
A hash of tag and introductory Markdown that will be shown on the tag's main page. Having a description is optional.
Using Beam::Wire's $config directive, you can put the tag text in an external file:
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
$config: tags.yml
# tags.yml
software: |-
# Software
Posts about software development, mostly in [Perl](
travel: |-
# Travel
My travelogue around the world! [Also visit my Instagram!](
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
page_size: 5
The number of posts to put in a page (the main page and the tag pages). Defaults to 5.
# site.yml
class: Statocles::App::Blog
index_tags: [ '-private', '+important' ]
Filter the tags shown in the index page. An array of tags prefixed with either a + or a -. By prefixing the tag with a "-", it will be removed from the index, unless a later tag prefixed with a "+" also matches.
By default, all tags are shown on the index page.
So, given a document with tags "foo", and "bar":
index_tags: [ ] # document will be included
index_tags: [ '-foo' ] # document will not be included
index_tags: [ '-foo', '+bar' ] # document will be included
The directory (inside the theme directory) to use for this app's templates. Defaults to blog
my $exitval = $app->command( $app_name, @args );
Run a command on this app. The app name is used to build the help, so users get exactly what they need to run.
my $slug = $app->make_slug( $title );
Given a post title, remove special characters to create a slug.
my @pages = $app->index( \@post_pages );
Build the index page (a list page) and all related feed pages out of the given array reference of post pages.
my @pages = $app->tag_pages( \%tag_pages );
Get pages for the tags in the given blog post documents (build from the post_pages method, including relevant feed pages.
my @pages = $app->pages( %options );
Get all the pages for this application. Available options are:
- date
The date to build for. Only posts on or before this date will be built. Defaults to the current date.
my @links = $app->tags;
Get a set of link objects suitable for creating a list of tag links. The common attributes are:
text => 'The tag text'
href => 'The URL to the tag page'
my @pages = $app->recent_posts( $count, %filter );
Get the last $count recent posts for this blog. Useful for templates and site index pages.
%filter is an optional set of filters to apply to only show recent posts matching the given criteria. The following filters are available:
- tags
(string) Only show posts with the given tag
my $url = $app->page_url( $page )
Return the absolute URL to this page object, removing the "/index.html" if necessary.
post [--date <date>] <title>
Create a new blog post, optionally setting an initial title
. The post will be created in a directory according to the current date.
Initial post content can be read from STDIN
. This lets you write other programs to generate content for blog posts (for example, to help automate release blog posts).
- index.html
The index page template. Gets the following template variables:
- site
The Statocles::Site object.
- pages
An array reference containing all the blog post pages. Each page is a hash reference with the following keys:
- content
The post content
- title
The post title
- author
The post author
- post.html
The main post page template. Gets the following template variables:
- site
The Statocles::Site object
- content
The post content
- title
The post title
- author
The post author